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Fruitcake's application for contributor


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In-Game Username: Fruitcake

Discord ID: 383817031402782722

Time Played on Elyx: Right around 82 days ingame time

Contributions and Experience: I have a wealth of experience in Rsps', having been playing them since about 2011 in various roles. As for Elyx specific contributions it's mostly just bugs I've reported here and there, mostly on the ironman side of the game. I've also made a (now outdated lol) ToB solo guide.

Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: Incredibly fun, but a tiny bit rough around the edges. I'm the type to notice the small details and cracks in a game, and while this game has some of that, its potential more than makes up for any shortcomings, alongside the community making it easy to stay.

Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: I try to participate in what I can, whether it's the discord daily events, contributor hosted trivia stuff, boss masses, raids, etc. They're fun so there's never really a reason to say no to a little fun.

What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? I feel as though a lot people wanting to contribute with this rank would love to spread their new idea and help the game grow, and there is nothing wrong with that, it's great. I'm more of the type to look for places to polish and see what little things would greatly improve quality of life on the server. I don't think there are a lot of people who look at the game through the lens I do. I think it would be a good asset to have.

Community Interaction: I just treat people with respect, and hope that they'll do the same for me. I'm truthfully not the most outgoing person, so a lot of times I won't be the one to spark conversation. But, I'm always happy to answer any questions I see asked ingame in help chat or to me personally and usually do. Especially newer players, I love to see the newer people not able to leave after they start because everyone's just so kind and helpful here haha.

How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? Mostly just do whatever I can do for people where I can. I can't really tell you anything specific really. I just try to be helpful where I can.

Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: Funnily enough, for the past couple days I've been working on a notepad of QoL stuff and bugs, so the timing is perfect. Here's a couple of the things I've jotted down:

-In order to make Mage arena 2 capes a little more useful, maybe add Frost cape to forge
and require 1 of each Mage Arena 2 cape at a 35%-50% rate. Otherwise they're useless

-A skilling tele for the al Kharid furnace for smithing, some people including me have had trouble
finding a furnace for smelting and that's the best option we have

-Preserve prayer unlock in CoX (unless it's there and I'm just unlucky lol)

-Superior slayer bosses as a slayer shop perk you can unlock. Gives a chance for Superior
version of a boss to spawn after you kill. Increased rare chance + unique Pet. We already have
a lot of these pets in the elyx store: kerberos, arachne, artio, skorpios.

How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I could easily see myself stress testing new updates and seeing + reporting what needs to be fixed. I'm really good at cheesing this game and finding the things that for sure shouldn't have been there. For example, the Seren safespot and the method to completely afk the whole battlepass are both things I've found so far, along with a lot of much smaller things.

Vision for Elyx: My vision for Elyx is pretty simple, but it's to keep the community as nice as it is while the server continues to grow. I have no doubts the server is heading in a good direction at the current moment, and I'd like for the community to stay as great as it is along with the growth.

Any additional information you would like to share with us? Nothing I can think of off the top of my head right now; except to wish all other applicants good luck!

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