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Happy Easter X Summer Elyx! It’s that glorious time of year where the sun shines bright and the bunnies are bustling. We’re thrilled to announce some exciting changes all through Elyx, and we invite everyone to celebrate and explore these new features with us! 1.Website Transformation 2.Mass Evil Bunny Boss (Elyx Original) The Evil Bunny is here to stir up trouble! He appears every 30 minutes, dropping Easter tokens for players who deal 100+ damage. Team up, fight against him using the command ::Easter, and earn tokens and other valuables! Mini-Bunny-Pet: +5% drop-rate 3.Egg Pursuit As part of the Easter event, an Easter egg will spawn in the wilderness every hour. Players are tasked with retrieving the egg and safely bringing it out of the wilderness to earn Easter tokens. Once obtained, players must deliver the egg to the bunny located at the home area. 4.GOLDEN EGG Hunt Keep your eyes peeled across Elyx for highly valuable eggs: Bronze Egg: Win $10 via PayPal! (More than one) Silver Egg: Win $50 via PayPal! (More than one) Gold Egg: Win $1000 via PayPal! (Only one) These can be found in various adventurous ways, including: - Easter eggs in the wilderness (every hour spawn just like wilderness key) might turn out to be one of these precious eggs when you pick them up. - Hourly Global Bosses in the wilderness now have a rare chance to drop these eggs. - Evil Bunny global boss has a slim chance to drop any of these eggs. - All Bosses around Elyx have a very rare chance to drop these eggs if you prefer to stay out of the wilderness. - Bosses inside wilderness have a more likely chance to give you an egg! - Chambers Of Xeric & Theatre Of Blood raiding also has a very slim chance of giving you an egg. 5.Easter Mystery Box Discover Easter Mystery Boxes through various methods in-game or check the store for a quick grab at the rewards! 6.Limited Time Items 7.Easter Tokens During the Easter event, players can obtain Easter tokens from various sources: 1.Evil Bunny Boss 2.Global Bosses 3.Easter Egg in Wilderness 4.Raiding These Easter tokens can be exchanged in the Easter shop for various rewards and items. What treasures await in the Easter shop? 8.Easter Shop 9.Special Events: Easter Item Events: Be on the lookout for exclusive rare Easter items! The first three players to get a Easter limited edition item will be rewarded as follows: 1st Place: $100 Store Credit Won by Teairn 2nd Place: $75 Store Credit Won by Oi Ashley 3rd Place: $50 Store Credit Won by Ims Easter Battle-Pass Challenge: For those who thrive on challenges, complete the Battle Pass before anyone else to claim your spot among the winners: 1st Place: $100 Store Credit 2nd Place: $75 Store Credit 3rd Place: $50 Store Credit Unlock exclusive content, conquer challenges, and revel in the holiday spirit as you race to be one of the first three to complete the Battle Pass. Mini-Bunny Challenge: 1st Place: $100 Store Credit And that's not all! For the ambitious soul who manages to snatch the elusive Easter Pet, an additional $100 Store Credit awaits as a special reward. It's time to channel your inner detective and chase down that Evil Bunny! 10.Beginner Boost Whether you’re new or an existing player, there's now extra help to guide you through Elyx! Start accomplishing simple tasks by using ::beginner in-game for helpful rewards and a boost to your journey. 11.Runelite Update A HUGE update has arrived with an improved client to enjoy Elyx on! Explore new settings, perfect your experience, and immerse yourself in all your favorite places in full HD glory! We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we enjoyed creating them. Get out there and make the most of this festive season in Elyx! Happy Easter and Happy Exploring! The Elyx Team5 points
Greetings, Elyx Easter X Summer Exclusive Time-Limited Items Get ready to hop into the holiday spirit with our Easter Exclusive Time-Limited Items! This season, we're thrilled to unveil a fantastic selection of items that will infuse your gaming adventure with Easter joy. From delightful cosmetics to top-tier gear that will level up your gameplay, we've got something special for every player. So, get cracking and don't miss out on these egg-citing offers! Available Now on Our Store & Easter Mystery Box! Easter Masori Set Easter Osmumten's Fang Easter Tumeken's Shadow Easter VoidWaker Easter Sanguine Scythe Of Vitur Easter Twisted Bow (i) Easter Elidinis Ward Easter Enchanted Maul Easter Holy Sanguinesti Staff Easter Holy Ghrazi Rapier Easter Magma Blowpipe Easter Mythical Boots Mini-Bunny Easter Mystery Box Don't miss out on this egg-ceptional opportunity to elevate your holiday gaming experience! Our Easter Exclusive Time-Limited Items are here to add a dash of excitement to your gameplay. Whether you choose to purchase them directly from the store or take a chance with the Easter Mystery Box, these items are guaranteed to bring joy and thrill to your Easter adventures. And here's the best part: enjoy a special 25% discount on our entire webstore for a limited time! Hurry! These egg-clusive items are available only for a limited time during this festive season. Don't let the opportunity hop away! "Credits to the talented Gambino for the creativity" Happy Easter || Enjoy the Game Elyx Management3 points
In-Game Username: Nora Discord ID: nora_1718 Time Played on Elyx: 3-days 8-hours Contributions and Experience: I don't have much experience on Elyx or any other RSPS, but I enjoy working in the team and spending time learning new things on the game. I'm sure I can benefit the game and the community a lot once I am confident about every aspect of the game! I would like to state that I am in the middle of learning how to play Runescape and I'm having a great time here with everyone! Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: Its always fun being on the game, I always leave the game feeling good. The community is great and i'm just happy to be here. The people help me whenever I need help and they are quite fun to communicate with most of the time. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Yes. I have been involved in raids and tob's and cox's, i go into tournaments as well and try to join giveaways and other events hosted by the team members What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? You, boss. And to just see the server grow! I may not be the best at knowing the game because I just started Runescape but I am learning with time and apart from learning the game I believe I can really benefit the server and the team by helping them in any way possible. I have had a great experience in my real life projects while working with a team and that is why I do want to join the contributor's team so I can help bring value! Community Interaction: I try my best to interact with all the players, I think lots of players already know me in the game because I play with them and am in the voice chat for lots of hours every day! Even with vib, It is always a great time and experience with all the players and vib's streams make it more fun! How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? I join the the Elyx discord voice chat alot, i watch vibranium, and michigans, luu etc all their streams whenever they go live. And whenever im in the game, i do come up with good conversations that seem to make the others quite interested. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: Bring in more people thru advertising, perhaps creating a whole page dedicated to Elyx and keep on posting and showing how the game works, and as a girl, maybe that itself can bring in some more audience. When it comes to the community, the main thing to improve it is having the players be friendly and very communicative. How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I participate in many events, including tournaments and raids that are very common nowadays on Elyx. I often come on the discord voice chat of Elyx and communicate alot with the other players. I really think becoming contributor will open more doors for me being able to help the community by hosting events and bringing the players and community together which I love to do! Vision for Elyx: I want to see Elyx grow as big as 'Minecraft' and 'Among us'. With the right team and effort we can do it! And I want to be a part of it and contribute from my side! Any additional information you would like to share with us? No, but id like to say, Elyx is a great game and it has the potential to be very big and one of the greatest! Thank you for reading my application.3 points
Welcome to the first official Slayer Guide for Elyx! This guide will serve as a beginner guide, and hopefully provide some insight into the ins and outs of Slayer. Disclaimer: Slayer is a Combat skill, where you will be able to train Attack, Strength, and Defence. You'll also be able to train Ranged and Magic if you wish. With this being a Combat skill, know that Death is possible. So if you are a Hardcore, please be advised that this is considered "Dangerous" Starting Out: First, you need to know where to start this skill. Both Slayer Masters can be found in this building, North-East of ::home Here, trade one of the Slayer masters and pick yourself up an Enchanted Gem so you can check your task, and teleport to majority of tasks. In order to teleport to tasks, simply left click, or "Activate" and if your task has a teleport location, you'll be taken there. There are two Slayer Masters: Nieve and Krystilia Nieve allows you to get 1 of 2 different types of tasks: Boss Tasks or Regular Tasks. Depending on which option you choose, will determine the difficulty and reward of your task. Boss Tasks can give more experience per kill, better drops, and more slayer points per task, however Regular Tasks can be faster, resulting in more experience and/or tasks per hour(giving more Slayer Points per hour if done fast) Tasks are given to you based on your Slayer Level. Some Monsters require specific Slayer Levels to kill, and will not be assigned to you unless you already have the required level. Some Monsters also require specific Combat Levels to kill, and you will not be assigned certain tasks unless you are a high enough Combat. But this guide will not go over Combat Level Requirements. Nieve Only Slayer Tasks: *Nieve can assign any task, Regular and Wilderness Tasks Regular Tasks(with Slayer Level Requirement): Monkeys(Level 1) | Goblins(Level 1) | Rats(Level 1) | Chickens(Level 1) | Cows(Level 1) | Bats(Level 1) | Wolf(Level 1) | Skeleton(Level 5) | Ghosts(Level 6) | Trolls(Level 15) Ogres(Level 17) | Hobgoblins(Level 17) | Dogs(Level 1) | Ghouls(Level 17) | Blue Dragons(Level 20) | Red Dragons(Level 20) | Lesser Demons(Level 25) | Greater Demons(Level 25) Black Demons(Level 25) | Hellhounds(Level 24) | Shadow Warriors(Level 23) | Werewolves(Level 23) | Vampires(Level 2) | Dagannoths(Level 26) | Turoths(Level 25) Cave Crawlers(Level 5) | Banshees(Level 10) | Crawling Hands(Level 5) | Infernal Mages(Level 15) | Aberrant Spectres(Level 60) | Abyssal Demons(Level 85) Spiders(Level 1) | Scorpion(Level 1) | Zombies(Level 1) | Bears(Level 7) | Hill Giants(Level 10) | Ice Giants(Level 12) | Fire Giants(Level 13) | Moss Giants(Level 14) Ice Warriors(Level 16) | Green Dragons(Level 20) | Black Dragons(Level 20) | Basilisks(Level 49) | Cockatrice(Level 25) | Kurask(Level 70) | Gargoyles(Level 75) Pyrefiends(Level 30) | Bloodvelds(Level 50) | Dust Devils(Level 65) | Jellies(Level 52) | Rockslugs(Level 20) | Nechryaels(Level 80) | Kalphites(Level 1) | Elves(Level 1) Earth Warriors(Level 1) | Otherwordly Beings(Level 1) | Dwarves(Level 1) | Bronze Dragons(Level 1) | Iron Dragons(Level 1) | Steel Dragons(Level 1) Wall Beasts(Level 35) | Cave Slimes(Level 17) | Cave Bugs(Level 7) | Shades(Level 1) | Crocodiles(Level 1) | Dark Beasts(Level 90) | Mogres(Level 1) Desert Lizards(Level 22) | Fever Spiders(Level 42) | Harpie Bug Swarm(Level 33) | Sea Snakes(Level 1) | Wyverns(Level 72) | Killerwatts(Level 37) Mutated Zygomites(Level 57) | Icefiends(Level 1) | Minotaurs(Level 1) | Flesh Crawlers(Level 1) | Catablepons(Level 1) | Ankous(Level 1) | Cave Horrors(Level 58) Jungle Horrors(Level 1) | Goraks(Level 1) | Suqahs(Level 1) | Brine Rats(Level 47) | Minions of Scabaras(Level 1) | Terror Dogs(Level 40) | Molanisks(Level 39) Waterfiends(Level 1) | Spiritual Creatures(Level 63) | Magic Axes(Level 1) | Cave Krakens(Level 87) | Mithril Dragons(Level 1) | Aviansies(Level 1) | Smoke Devils(Level 93) Tzhaar(Level 1) | Lava Beasts(Level 1) | Chaos Druid(Level 1) | Lava Dragons(Level 1) | Revenants(Level 1) | Adamant Dragons(Level 1) | Rune Dragons(Level 1) Bandits(Level 1) | Black Knights(Level 1) | Dark Warriors(Level 1) | Mammoth(Level 1) | Pirates(Level 1) | Ents(Level 1) | Rogues(Level 1) | Wyrms(Level 62) Drakes(Level 84) | Hydras(Level 95) Boss Tasks(with Slayer Level Requirement): Lizardman Shaman(Level 1) | Tztok Jad(Level 1) | Corporeal Beast(Level 1) | Demonic Gorillas(Level 1) | Elvarg(Level 75) | El Fuego(Level 1) | Alchemical Hydra(Level 95) Barrelchest(Level 1) | Abyssal Sire(Level 85) | Barrows(Level 1) | Callisto(Level 1) | Cerberus(Level 91) | Chaos Elemental(Level 1) | Chaos Fanatic(Level 1) | Giant Mole(Level 1) Commander Zilyana(Level 1) | Crazy Archaeologist(Level 1) | Dagannoth Kings(Level 1) | General Graardor(Level 1) | Grotesque Guardians(Level 75) | Kril Tsutsaroth(Level 1) Kalphite Queen(Level 1) | King Black Dragon(Level 1) | Kraken(Level 87) | Kree Arra(Level 1) | Sarachnis(Level 1) | Scorpia(Level 1) | Thermonuclear Smoke Devil(Level 93) Venenatis(Level 1) | Vorkath(Level 1) | Vetion(Level 1) | Zulrah(Level 1) Krystilia Only Slayer Tasks: *Krystilia can assign any Wildy task, regular or boss, at any time All Tasks(with Slayer Level Requirement): Spiders(Level 1) | Scorpions(Level 1) | Zombies(Level 1) | Bears(Level 7) | Hill Giants(Level 10) | Ice Giants(Level 12) | Fire Giants(Level 13) | Moss Giants(Level 14) Ice Warriors(Level 16) | Green Dragons(Level 20) | Black Dragons(Level 20) | Abyssal Demons(Level 85) | Ankous(Level 1) | Lava Dragons(Level 1) | Revenants(Level 1) Bandits(Level 1) | Dark Warriors(Level 1) | Rogues(Level 1) | Callisto(Level 1) | Chaos Elemental(Level 1) | Chaos Fanatic(Level 1) | Crazy Archaeologist(Level 1) King Black Dragon(Level 1) | Scorpia(Level 1) | Venenatis(Level 1) | Vetion(Level 1) Disclaimer: Certain Monsters require some protective equipment. Example being: Aberrant Spectre's require a Nose Peg. Just like normal. Rewards: Slayer Points: Regular Task: 15 Points Boss Task: 30 Points Wilderness Task: 30 Points *There are task streak bonus' that will be updated later* Additional Donator Slayer Points(per task): Ruby | Sapphire | Emerald | Diamond | Dragonstone | Onyx | Zenyte Slayer Keys: Slayer keys are semi-frequent drops from almost all Slayer monsters. These keys can be used on the Magical Chest North East of home. These keys can net you early upgrades, like Armadyl, Infinity, Obsidian, etc. Navigate over to: Collection Log -> Keys -> Slayer Key to see all available rewards. Slayer Master Rewards: The Slayer Masters have some pretty amazing rewards in their shops as well. Head over to either Slayer Master and Right Click for their Rewards option. Here you can unlock rewards such as 15% more slayer points per task, double drops when killing bosses, removing the slayer requirement for any monsters, and increased drop rates. You can also extend numerous different tasks, to increase slayer task sizes when you receive them. And in the "Buy" tab, you can purchase all kinds of things like Slayer Helmets, pets, pet recolors, Pet Mystery Boxes, Dwarf Cannon, and the infamous Zriawk pet. Lastly, with Slayer Points, you are able to cancel and block Slayer tasks. Canceling Slayer Tasks: Please note that there are 3 different ways to cancel your Slayer task, and it is important on how you do it. Option 1: 25k Blood Money. This option will RESET your current task streak. Option 2: 30 Slayer Points. This option will KEEP your current task streak. Option 3: 100 Slayer Point Task Blocking. This option will KEEP your current task streak. *This guide will continually be updated based on more knowledge and feedback as well as updates*3 points
Content Updates ⦿ Theatre of blood complete functionality has been added. ⦿ The Nightmare of Ashihama with complete functionality has been added. ⦿ Nex with complete functionality has been added. ⦿ Revenant Maledictus has been added and has a chance to spawn event revenant kill. ⦿ Wilderness Strong-Hold minigame has been added with all zones & points assigned. ⦿ Item fortification risk and mechanics adjusted. ⦿ Item blazing added and lists also added to the tortured wizard npc. ⦿ Wildy key now randomly spawns in the wildy and can be looted at home if wilderness is escaped. ⦿ Pet perks have now been adjusted making them worth the grind. ⦿ Drop rates adjusted for all bosses and monsters to drop supplies as well as common-ultrarare drops. ⦿ Wliderness bosses spawn every few intervals which can be killed for high rewards. ⦿ PVP tournament occuring every few hours for a points and rewards for top three players. ⦿ All skills are now trainable with rewarding blood money caskets randomly per chance. ⦿ Daily tasks & Chest have been updated. ⦿ All shops and prices have been redone to ensure a perfect economy. ⦿ Donator capes & perks have now been added to the game. ⦿ HD plugin has been added to the launching by the end of second week launch. Bugs Fixes & Rework Daily Rewards added. Onyx bolts (e) do not overcharge hit-points anymore. The corrupted hunleff room has been added. Can pick up all items now. Kill blow slayer perk works now with a 1/125 chance. Venenatis now re-spawns. Rejuvenation pool at home works with complete restoring functionality. Barbarian agility course can now be completed. Courrpted hunleff looting added. Bank chest next to edge ditch for wildy activity added. All coins/points shops work and accept their own currencies. Item nulling in shops fixed. Voting system added. Donation system added. Left click attack in wildy fixed. Scorpian cave added. All player commands added to commands list. Revenant cave exit now works (stairs to exit). Donator cave exit now works. Discord widget on website fixed. Monthly sponsor rewards for donators added. Edge ditch fixed and working. Slayer facemask does not make your head invisible anymore. Vote shops options added. Blood money shops options added. Trading post now works. Early game shop refinished. Quest tab fixed. Consumables shop refinished. Check Pin Settings Security Advisor added. Referral manager at edge added. Iron Man tutor added. Perdu (armor fixing) added. Tortured Wizard added. Hunting shop added. Mac Npc added. Chests added to home. Risk-zone can now be entered and players risking has been added. Risk-zone announcement bell now works. Trapdoor at edge bank fixed. Teleport Npc enabled. Caps on website lowercased. Staff commands re-work. Player commands added (1.1). Website SSL has been installed and activated with certificates. Molten chest loots buffed to meet eco and stabilize. Lottery system Added. Jad Reworked. Molten key Drop-rates Nerfed. Dwarven Rock Cake added to Early & Mid Equipment shop. North Wildy Clipping Reworked. Website Completely functional. Webstore link in quest tab fixed. Dying in raids resulting to floating in air fixed. Chambers of Xeric Npcs high defense nerfed. Removed poison puddles that appear while in olm room. World-boss Now spawns after specific intervals with Broadcasts. Added a command "::Wboss" to check World-boss location and if its spawned. Increased Jad’s hit-points to {500}. Boss log has been fixed and is now functional. Ancient Barrelchest is now attackable and free to move at ::dcave. General Graardor hits through prayer with its range reduced 30-50% depending upon gear. Donator perk: Slayer task blocking is free if you have donator rank+. Scythe of vitur always hits 3 times splash hit (may vary for others). Right click "walk here" option fixed. Amulet of the damned effect added (full dh 30% chance to cause 15% of damage as additional hit). Hit-points bar on the side of inventory at 115hp doesn’t go off the screen anymore. Tournament Level saving system added. Single venenatis spawn added. Gamer has been added to ::gamble (lottery npc). Anti-fire potions Re-worked. Revenant collection log now registers all items. Hell hounds are now aggressive . Vorkath attacks for (super anti-fire potion) reworked. All kraken drops appear under player now. Highscores have been added to website. Added banks near skilling areas to encourage skilling. Added Activation to enchanted Gem it teleports you to your slayer task location. Elite void set bonus has been set same as basic. Added launcher feature to client. Fixed home bank objects (cache sided). ::shops command location added. Added afk-skill-zone to home. Fixed all Altars at home. Fixed bone using on altar at home. Fixed several unclickable objects. Default preload setups for Instant PvP players Enabled now. Donators wont lose donator capes anymore while dying. Zawek Pet fixed while fortification. Venenatis fixed at Donator Cave. Lizard-shamans added. Recover Special Potion fixed. Mutated blood-velds now count towards slayer task. Skotizo claw now turns slayer helmet purple like it should. Drop rate now increases with ring of wealth (i). Added limp-wurt roots on ironmen store. Super anti-fire now protects for 6mins. Dummy hits have been fixed. Gambling Glitch fixed. Logging out during tournaments doesn't reset stats anymore. Dice rolls are now in general chat or clan chat. Lottery spam delay to 4-5min. Revenant drop rates fixed. Super anti-fires now expire according to timer. Niffler can now pick up bones. Wilderness Chaos Alter – Xp drops re-done. Pickpocketing now counts ticks. Fishing sharks now give more experience then monkfish. Vote achievements now work. Special attack now reloads. Avernic Defender animation has now been fixed. Elvarg drops added. Hydra now has all phases. Wildy-counter now shows correct amount of players. Divine super combat potions effect added. Arachne now counts as a wilderness boss. Collection logs for Revenants redone. Collection log for Giant mole redone. Corrupted hunleff is now an instanced boss. Daily bot task fixed. Grim drops have now been added. Barrows added to slayer tasks. Enchanted gem - kraken boss teleport added. Mythical max cape effects now work. Base level farming now works, can plant seeds and grow herbs. Farming is now instanced. Shadow set effects added. Vorkath death spawns added. Un-dead spell added. Pets are now auto-keep in the wilderness. Artio now counts as bear task. Skotizo hits fixed. Plunder chest is now working. Note: All these updates were pushed in Pre-launch/Beta run of server. We appreciate bug finding & reporting, to improve the game-play please report all the bugs as you encounter.3 points
The Official Elyx Pet Perks Guide Welcome to the ultimate guide for Pet Perks in Elyx! Pet Perks are transformative elements that can dramatically enhance your gameplay. Earned with Pet Points, these perks are crucial for turning your character into a formidable force. Picture enjoying faster attack speeds, higher drop rates, improved accuracy, and increased XP gains. Pet Perks extend beyond combat, enriching all facets of your gameplay. Explore the world of Pet Perks and elevate your Elyx adventure to new heights! How to Earn Pet Perks Pet Perks can be earned by completing achievements. Each achievement, according to its difficulty, rewards unique Pet Points. With over 500 achievements available, there are plenty of opportunities to earn Pet Points and unlock powerful perks. Accessing the Pet Perks System The Pet Perks system can be accessed from the Pet Perks object located at the home area. Simply interact with the object to open the Pet Perks interface. Pet Perks Pet Perks Interface Guide The Pet Perks interface is user-friendly and intuitive. Here’s a breakdown of its key components: Category: Located on the left side of the interface. This allows you to navigate through different categories of perks. Currently, there are Five categories: All, Skilling, Enhancement, Combat, and Special. Perks: Found in the center of the interface. Displays all available pet perks. Clicking on a perk will display its information on the right side of the interface. Pet Points: Displayed at the top right side of the interface. Shows your current total of Pet Points. Active Perks: Displays the perks that are currently active on the pet following you. You can have up to three active perks on a single pet at a time. To manage your active perks, right-click to remove a perk or left-click to display its information. Description: Located on the right side of the interface. Shows detailed information about the selected perk, including its type, name, and status (e.g., locked, unlocked, tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, etc.). Purchase: Used to view the price of a perk and confirm its purchase. Charges: Price: 1 Pet Point per 100 charges. Displays the current charges on a perk. Each activation of a perk depletes one charge. Click the Charges button to buy additional charges for a perk. Upgrade Perk: Used to upgrade the tier of a perk if it’s not already at its maximum tier. Shows the cost of upgrading the perk. Type: Indicates which category the perk belongs to (e.g., Skilling, Combat). Add Perk: Used to add a perk to the pet that is following you. You must have a pet following you to add a perk. If a perk is already active on another pet, clicking the Add Perk button will prompt a confirmation for transferring the perk to the new pet. Status: Displays the current status of a perk (e.g., locked, unlocked). Dive into the world of Pet Perks and make your Elyx adventure more thrilling and rewarding. Happy gaming! - Elyx Team -2 points
Greetings Elyx We are thrilled to announce the second phase of our Summer x Easter Events! Get ready to dive into the exciting adventures that await you. All Easter events will remain active, and we are introducing a series of thrilling summer events specifically designed for new players and new accounts. Free Premium Battle-Pass $343+ Claim Your Free Premium Battle Pass: Simply enter the command "::freebattlepass" to claim your complimentary Premium Battle Pass and unlock a world of possibilities. Free 10$ Bond Claim your complimentary 10$ Bond using the Command: "::bond" Important Links: Easter X Summer Official Announcement Limited Easter X Summer Items Summer Event Challenges: GOLDEN EGG Hunt Keep your eyes peeled across Elyx for highly valuable eggs: Bronze Egg: Win $10 via PayPal! (More than one) - 6 found Silver Egg: Win $50 via PayPal! (More than one) - 3 found Gold Egg: Win $1000 via PayPal! (Only One) - 0 found These can be found in various adventurous ways, including: - Easter eggs in the wilderness (every hour spawn just like wilderness key) might turn out to be one of these precious eggs when you pick them up. - Hourly Global Bosses in the wilderness now have a rare chance to drop these eggs. - Evil Bunny global boss has a slim chance to drop any of these eggs. - All Bosses around Elyx have a very rare chance to drop these eggs if you prefer to stay out of the wilderness. - Bosses inside wilderness have a more likely chance to give you an egg! - Chambers Of Xeric & Theatre Of Blood raiding also has a very slim chance of giving you an egg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $6000 RuneLympics 24 - Accounts registered on or after 1st May, 2024 can enter the following events - You can only win one competition and not more than 1. - First to Max: (All Game Modes, Top 3) - Normal - Ironman - Hardcore Ironman - Ultimate Ironman - Top G - Most Collection Logs Completed (Top 3) - Most Achievements Completed (Top 3) - Most Rares from CoX (Top 3) - Most CoX Completions (Top 3) - Most ToB Completions (Top 3) - Most Non-Combat Skills Prestiges (Top 3) - Highest Total Experience (Top 3) - Most Single Boss Kills (Top 3) - Most PKing Kills (Top 3) - Most Tournament Wins (Top 3) - Most Loyalty Points (Top 3) Rewards: 1st Place: ($100 store credit) 2nd Place: ($75 store credit) 3rd Place: ($50 store credit) How to Participate: Only accounts registered on May 1st or after are allowed to participate in the events. Keep track of your progress and aim to top the leaderboards. Engage in both Easter and Summer events to maximize your rewards. Duration: The competitions will last for 3 weeks, giving you ample time to showcase your skills and earn fantastic rewards. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to prove your skills and earn amazing rewards. The adventure begins now – join us in the Elyx Summer Events and make your mark! Join the Adventure! Dive into the excitement and let the summer fun begin. We can't wait to see who will rise to the top and claim the ultimate glory. Good luck to all participants! Elyx Team2 points
2 points
In-game username: SwedishPrxck Age: 27 Time zone: EST Discord username: SwedishPrxck Time played in-game: 79d 23hr Previous staff/moderation experience: N/a Specify your current availability in terms of time slots or hours per week/day: Basically any. I'm on most all the time. Why do you want to be a part of the Elyx staff team? I would love to see the server continue to grow and be able to help out players who need it. With the recent mention of "lack of staff" online, I would love to help solve that problem. What skills/qualities would you bring to the team? Think that is fairly self explanatory if you know me. I would love to see the server continue to grow. I've helped Risker quite often in terms of reporting bugs among other things. What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I use to play OSRS growing up and stopped when all of my friends from middle/highschool did. I have been playing a wide variety of RSPS's ever since, this one being the one that has kept me around the longest. How familiar are you with the specific features & gameplay mechanics of Elyx? Very. I am good at breaking things as well to help ensure bug free gameplay for players. Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? N/a How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? I work for a marketing agency irl and same thing applies there so very comfortable What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? Friendly, helpful, non-toxic. Able to see the picture as a whole in a situation and act accordingly. How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? If I am not able to get the needed information on my own, I would get the opinion of another SS or a higher up to make sure everything is sorted the way it should be. Would all depend on the current situation. How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game? All depends on the severity of the situation I suppose. Jokingly "flaming" is one thing, but if it does not stop after they have been told to, potentially a mute. If it continues still, raise it to someone higher then I am and get their opinion on a more severe punishment if need be. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as a support role. How did you handle it? Have not really been in a support role before. What training/resources would you require to be a successful server support? N/a Can you outline the contributions and efforts you've dedicated to Elyx thus far? Again, feel like this is fairly self explanatory if you know me. I am always in game, helping people when I can. Have helped with bugs in the game in order to get them sorted out for a bug free experience for the players. How would you balance your role as a server support with your personal life? Would definitely be able to handle both. I work on a computer so I am almost always on and available. I know when to draw the lines with the game if I need to get work done irl.2 points
Contribution Is The Key In-Game Username: Luu Discord ID: LuuTube Time Played on Elyx: I started playing Elyx on the 13th of August, 2023. My playtime is unknown due to my main focus being on my now perished Top G account "Live". My my playtime on my account "Luu" is 23 Days, 11 Hours. Contributions and Experience: My experience would have to be that I've been apart of beta testing on other servers. As with Elyx, I've helped a great amount with testing and coming up with ideas to help the server grow. I've got great ideas and always willing to share them. My contributions would be that I'm always responsive to anyone needing help, especially new players. I'm always willing to do things to keep anyone new interested in the server. Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: My experience started when I joined, I started off as a creator & livestreaming whilst showing off all the great aspects of the server & staying positive so that the interests of the viewers stays alive. I've learned very much about the server and whenever anyone seems curious about something, I'm always giving my input to help them play the game in a more productive way. I've also spent more time on this server than any other server because I have true passion for Elyx. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Yes, I've hosted events such as "Hp Events", I've done many Hide n Seeks, Giveaways and so on. I would love to continue doing so, because I really do love being a part of the community and I love hosting those events for everyone to enjoy. What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? I'm motivated to apply because I want to start the process of climbing my way up the ladder, & one day be apart of the Staff team. I know that hard work comes with having such a role in the community and I am more than willing to commit to that. Community Interaction: I feel that many know who I am in the community, so they know they can come to me for advice in their personal lives as well as needing any guidance in the game. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? I'm pretty active in yell/help chat as far as encouraging players to vote, I'm active and always there to explain where to report any bugs, or post any suggestions. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: I have an idea where we should have an update that will place "Community Poll Booths" around the Elyx map. There should be a Poll booth at home, and at every main teleport. when clicking this Poll Booth, an interface will come up showing 3-4 of the suggestions from Discord's #suggestions once a week. Players will vote on their most liked suggestions (one or all). Players will gain "Vote Credits" that will be spendable in a separate tab inside the Poll's Interface. Items inside this store would include Items that would attach to certain items, showing off their involvement with the community. **This Poll Booth Should Be Implemented On The Elyx's Front Page Of The Website** How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I envision Elyx being one of the top RSPS's as long as the community feels like they are apart of it's growth, hence the Poll's suggestion. I also feel like the energy, time and effort I've shown towards growing Elyx as a whole speaks for itself, but we do need more Staff/Server support actively in-game to help with the community being active. Vision for Elyx: My vision would have to be having Elyx at the top of every RSPS list. Having 2,000 players online, and having players creating clans for pvp/wilderness clan battles, as well as having this server known for it's diversity when it comes to all content including PvM, PvP, Community Events and much more! Any additional information you would like to share with us? I would like to thank everyone reading this for their time. I would also like to say that i was given this opportunity to work my way up the ladder, as one day I aim to be apart of the official Staff Team. I will do my very best to not disappoint. I will give this my all, and I will always try to be better every day, and give the community my all.2 points
Welcome to Elyx This is a guide to help you get started and understand where to go in the server. This guide will get you introduced into multiple things and also offer hints and tips to make your Elyx life easier. Please ensure you read the Rules. Accessible either through discord or by "::rules" in-game. Video Starter Guide: - Currency - "Blood money" is the currency used here. This can be used for Shops, Trading Post and trading with other players. - Home Area - - Presets - Elyx has many things to help with speeding up actions. Presets can be used to load gear in seconds. access this by either clicking the helmet in your equipment tab or by pressing (CTRL + Q). - Teleporter - Get around the map by teleporting, nothing is required to teleport to almost any location. Either do ::tp , use any teleport in your spell book or do CTRL + T. - Pool Of Rejuvenation- North of home is a building with the pool of rejuvenation in. Use this to restore your health, stats and special attack. Home is located at Edgeville so going further north will get you to the wilderness ditch if you fancy your chances at PvP. - Trading Post - At the centre of home you'll find the Trading Post (Grand Exchange Clerks). Here you can put items up for sale and also see what others are buying. You can even Feature your shop so it's highlighted to others. Fountain of Goodwill is located just Northwest of home. When activated it will give server wide bonuses for so long. Check it out and throw any spare blood money you might have. - Fires - There is 2 extremely useful fires at home what offer two useful bonuses. The Fortifying flame can be used to risk your items to chance and gamble them to hopefully upgrade them into more powerful versions of the items. Look through the interface to see the different paths on how to achieve the best in slot items such as a Ring of Perfection or Twisted Slayer helmet! The Blazing flame can be used to burn your items for Elyx coins. Elyx coins can be used to purchase all kinds of best in slot armour or rare and unique pets that offer bonuses. Check the list and the shop with the Dark wizard to see what you might be able to afford. - Elyx Battle Pass - Battlepass To complete the Battle Pass, players need to accumulate a total of 500 million XP. Open the Battle Pass using the ::battlepass command in-game. - Slayer - Tip: Buy a slayer gem and use it for a fast teleport to your tasks! When getting a task you can reset it for a small fee of 25k Blood money (WILL RESET YOUR TASK STREAK) or 30 slayer points. There is 3 slayer masters available in Elyx. All can be found in the building north east of home. Nieve - An all round good slayer master that gives a nice variety of slayer tasks. All of the tasks will give slayer keys for extra bonus loot Krystilia - Wilderness slayer that can offer slightly more of a challenge as that tasks can include wilderness bosses as well of the extra danger of pkers. All this extra risk comes with a bonus as whilst also giving slayer keys it also has a potential reward of Larrens keys what can be opened from Larrens chest in deep wilderness. Kelyn - Crystal slayer what can only be assigned a task at 80+ slayer. Whilst killing your crystal slayer task in the crystal cave you have the standard chance of receiving slayer keys but also the bonus of parts of totems. When combining all 3 parts of the totem you create a full totem which allows you to have a chance at killing the Crystal Hunllef Slayer helmets offer great bonuses depending of the colour you choose. Red - Melee, Green - Range, Blue - Magic and Silver and Black offer a boost in blood money received when pking. Normal slayer helms will only give the bonus on task but if you risk it in the Fortifying flame and successfully upgrade it the bonuses will also apply off task! Make sure you check out the rewards from the slayer masters as they have both great items and bonuses available. (such as access to clue scrolls or blood fury) - Shops - All the shops can be found west of home or by using ::shops in-game. Here you'll find many useful NPC's to help you with your adventures in Elyx. Three of the main ones you'll want to visit is the Wizard, Warrior and Ranger. These give the respective combat armours and weapons. - Iron-Man - Felt daring and chose the Ironman route? Make sure you check out the iron man tutor who's shop offers a variety of goodies. For further information on helping you train skills make sure you check out Carini's guide here - Bossing - Found yourself getting boss points while killing bosses? Make sure you check out the Boss Point Store to see what items are available from there. There is a variety of items to assist you in your play ranging from Overloads for raids to imbuement scrolls to give your dagannoth rings a boost. - Donation - If you managed to get hands on a bond and received both a nice new rank and donator tickets the Donator Store will be the best place for you to go to to find yourself some huge gear upgrades. Find what donator perks you get here - Vote - Voting is probably the quickest way to get some nice blood money. Make sure you ::vote daily and ::voted to claim your votes. Either use these and trade the Vote manager or sell the tickets on to other players for straight cash. - Loyalty Points - Noticed you're getting Loyalty points whilst doing nothing? You gain these 1 every 10 minutes. Trade the Loyalty Point Shop and treat yourself to either straight blood money or risk it with a Mystery Box. - Prestige - The Prestige Manager is there for players who want to go that extra step in the skilling grind. Get a skill to level 99 then talk to the Prestige Manage to reset the skill back to level 1 and earn yourself some Prestige points. These can be used to purchase skilling outfits and tools to help boost your xp. - Pets - Pets can offer all kinds of bonuses. Hover your mouse over a pet to see the bonus it might provide. One of the most popular one is the "Niffler", which is a rare drop from the Giant mole. He picks up items dropped from monsters and stores them for you.2 points
In-Game Username: SwedishPrxck Discord ID: SwedishPrxck#8790 ( i think? Mine does not actually show me the numbers but i found that under server profile in discord) Time Played on Elyx: 40d 1h Contributions and Experience: Risker has come to me about certain PVP bugs at times, and I feel like I am a big part of the reason that Nightmare is where it is at today compared to where it was when I originally joined the server. Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: It's been a great server to play and especially start a pvm grind on. I have never been terribly big on pvming until i joined. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Try to participate in daily events when time allows for me. Alot of the time they are when I am in the office which limits my ability to be that interactive as alot of them are click intensive. What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? Would love to see elyx grow and would love to help iron out any new content/existing content that ends up getting added to the game. Community Interaction: Try to help and answer anyones questions about the game in the help cc as often as I can and participate in community daily events when i am available for them. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? I will be honest, I would love to contribute/help more with the technical side of the game/game play/new content bugs, but I help answer any questions that I can when someone asks in the help cc. I am also fluent in both spanish and english so if/when more spanish speakers start to play I would be able to assist them as well. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or game play: I would love to help get new content setup and make sure it is all polished and ready to go for the entire server to enjoy. While it's only been with nightmare as of now, I can test out any content and provide anything necessary for management to make the needed changes to fix the bug(s) that are occurring. Can also help come up with ideas for new content to add for both PVP and PVM How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I would love to help test out any new content and help polish up existing content as needed so all players could enjoy it along with helping out any/all players that would join elyx as well. Vision for Elyx: to grow to be a very good server for both pvm content as well as pvp when the player base picks up Any additional information you would like to share with us? Anything else feel free to ask. I am on most days, whether i am in the office or actually playing so I am able to help players best I can when in office. When I am not in the office, I am actively playing and can help out wherever needed both with the players and content wise2 points
Spooky Halloween Event in Elyx - Prepare for the Night! Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls, get ready for the most spook-tacular Halloween event of the year! We've brewed up something wickedly awesome for you, and it's coming to Elyx. Home and World Map Transformed The complete home map and world map now have the Halloween theme activated! Embrace the spine-tingling ambiance as you navigate through our Halloween wonderland. And guess what? Our bank chests have turned into glowing pumpkins, adding to the eerie atmosphere! Event Details Jack-O-Bat Boss Credits to Rogers Every 30 minutes, a menacing Jack-O-Bat boss will haunt our realm and spawn at the (::halloween) teleport. Are you brave enough to face this nightmarish creature? Players with 100+ damage dealt to the Jack-O-Bat will be generously rewarded with 20-30k Halloween Tokens A chance at a Halloween Mystery Box A shot at acquiring the exclusive Jack O' Bat pet Halloween Witch The Halloween Witch NPC at home is your guide to this spooky adventure. Approach her for a special locator that will reveal a random location where the Jack-O-Bat monster will appear. Use the locator wisely, as it can only be activated after killing the monster. The Jack-O-Bat drops precious Halloween Tokens that you can exchange at our Halloween Shop for eerie and unique prizes! Halloween Shop The Halloween Shop is packed with devilishly delightful items, including: Jack-O-Bat Pet Jack-O-Lantern Mask Halloween Mystery Box 10% Drop rate Lamp Double Xp Lamp Double Vote point Lamp Double Boss point Lamp 1.5X Slayer points Lamp Limited Edition Items Exclusive Halloween-themed items have been added to the Halloween Mystery Box and our online webstore. But beware, these limited edition items will vanish into the night as soon as the event ends. Don't miss your chance to get your hands on these rare collectibles! 25% Webstore Sale In the spirit of Halloween, we're offering a chilling 25% discount on our complete webstore. It's the perfect time to grab some exciting goodies and enhance your Elyx experience! Event Schedule Our Halloween event runs throughout the first two weeks of November, so there are plenty of opportunities to join in on the fun! Don't miss out on this spine-chilling extravaganza. Get ready to be haunted, spooked, and thrilled during this Halloween event. Gather your fellow adventurers, face your fears, and take on the Jack-O-Bat for a chance to win big! Halloween Fashion-Scape Link: Halloween Fashion-Scape Event Make this Halloween one to remember. The nightmare begins! Elyx - Where the Fun Never Dies!2 points
Hello Elyx Community, This is the Top-G guide price newest update. Any feedback please post down below in the comments/reply. We will do our best to keep this up to date. Barrows Sets : Dharok = 4M Torag = 4M Guthan = 4M Karil = 4M Ahrim = 4M Pvp Armours : Morrigan's Set = 15M Statius Set = 15M Vesta's Set = 15M Zuriel's Set = 15M (Ancient Armour Variants X5 Normal price) Rev Weapons : Craw's Bow = 40m - 55m Craw's Bow (c) = 120m - 165m Viggora's Chainmace = 40m - 55m Viggora's Chainmace (c) = 120m - 165m Tham Sceptre = 10m - 15m Tham Sceptre (c) = 30m - 45m Statius Warhammer = 10m - 12m Vesta's Longsword = 4m - 6m Vesta's Spear = 4m - 6m Zuriel's Staff = 4m - 6m Morrigan's Javelin = 1,400 each ☆sell to general store for fast cash☆ Morrigan's Throwing Axe = 1,400 each ☆sell to general store for fast cash☆ Weapons : Melee Weapons Armadyl Godsword = 10M - 20M Armadyl Godsword (or) = 25M - 50M Bandos Godsword = 10M - 20M Bandos Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Saradomin Godsword = 10M - 20M Saradomin Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Zamorak Godsword = 10M - 20M Zamorak Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Dragon Claws = 15M - 20M Dragon Claws (or) = 30M - 40M Dragon Hunter Lance = 15M - 25M Dragon Warhammer = 5M - 10M Elder Maul = 40M - 45M Elder Ice Maul = 115m - 125m (HW) Elder Maul = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-Mas) Elder Maul = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Ghrazi Rapier = 175M - 225M Holy Ghrazi Rapier = 350M - 450M (HW) Ghrazi Rapier = 1500M - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-Mas) Ghrazi Rapier = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Scythe Of Vitur = 2B - 4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Holy Scythe Of Vitur = 4B - 5B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Sanguinesti Scythe Of Vitur = 8B - 10B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (HW) Scythe Of Vitur = 15B - 20B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-mas) Scythe Of Vitur = 10B - 12B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Range Weapons Armadyl Crossbow = 20M - 25M Zaryte Crossbow = 45M - 65M Toxic Blowpipe = 125M - 160M Magma Blowpipe = 300M - 400M (X-mas) Magma Blowpipe = 550M - 850M Dragon Hunter Crossbow = 40M - 60M Dragon Hunter Crossbow (t) = 110M - 135M Twisted Bow = 3B - 4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Twisted Bow (L) = 5B - 6B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Twisted Bow (i) = 6B - 7B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (HW) Twisted Bow (i) = 8B - 10B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-mas) Twisted Bow (i) = 10B - 15B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Mage Weapons Trident Of The Seas = 5M - 10M Trident Of The Swamp = 75M - 125M Toxic Staff Of The Dead = 35M - 45M Toxic Staff Of The Dead (i) = 140M - 180M Sanguinesti Staff = 1.5B -2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Holy Sanguinesti Staff = 3B -4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Helmets : Magma Helm = 10M - 15M Serpentine Helm = 10M - 15M Tanzanite Helm = 10M - 15M Goldentine Helmet = 30M - 45M Neitznot Faceguard = 30M - 45M Enchanted Faceguard = 85M - 130M Slayer Helmet = 15M - 20M Slayer Helmet (i) = 40M - 60M Red Slayer Helmet = 40M - 60M Red Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Green Slayer Helmet = 40m - 60M Green Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Turquoise Slayer Helmet = 40M - 60M Turquoise Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Black Slayer Helmet = 60M - 75M Black Slayer Helmet (i) = 150M - 185M Twisted Slayer Helmet (i) = 750M - 1B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Infernal Twisted Slayer Helmet (i) = 1B - 1300M | DEPENDS ON SELLER Inquisitor's = (if there are any of these items i'll update price) Serenic = (if there are any of these items i'll update price) Armour : Melee Armour Bandos Set = 80M Torva Set (Damaged) = 100M - 200M Torva Set (Fixed) = 325M - 375M Totemic Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Range Armour Armadyl Set = 60M Sarkis Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Magic Armour Ancestral Hat = 65M - 75M Ancestral Hat (i) = 125M - 140M Ancestral Robe Top = 65M - 75M Ancestral Robe Top (i) = 145M - 165M Ancestral Robe Legs = 65M - 75M Ancestral Robe Legs (i) = 145M - 165M Sage Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Shield's : Avernic Defender = 100M - 150M Dragonfire Shield = 5M - 10M Dragonfire Ward = 15M - 20M Ancient Wyvern Shield = 15M - 20M Dinh's Bulwark = 40M - 50M Twisted Buckler = 50M - 75M Spirit Shield = 500K - 1M Blessed Spirit Shield = 1M - 3M Spectral Spirit Shield = 30M - 50M Arcane Spirit Shield = 200M - 300M Elysian Spirit Shield = 350M - 400M Boots : Melee Boots Dragon Boots = 500K - 1M Primodial Boots = 65M - 75M Primodial Boots (or) = 185M - 215M Range Boots Ranger Boots = 250K - 500K Pegasian Boots = 65M - 75M Pegasian Boots (or) = 185M - 215M Mage Boots Infinity Boots = 250K - 500K Eternal Boots = 65M - 75M Eternal Boots (or) = 185M - 215M (All in one/(or) boots) Mythical Boots = 550M - 650M (Best In Slot) (X-mas) Mythical Boots = 750M - 1B (Best In Slot) Jewellery/Gloves : Berserker Ring = 1M - 3M Berserker Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Ring Of Confliction = 150M - 175M Archers Ring = 1M - 3M Archers Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Deadeyes Ring = 150M - 175M Seers Ring = 1M - 3M Seers Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Alchemist's Ring = 150M - 175M Ring Of Suffering = 20M - 30M Ring Of Suffering (I) = 30M - 40M Ring Of Perfection = 1B - 1200M (Best In Slot) Ring Of Wealth = 15M - 20M Ring Of Wealth (I) = 40M - 50M Amulet Of Blood Fury = 125M - 150M Amulet Of Fury = 500k - 1M Amulet Of Fury (or) = 2M - 4M Amulet Of Torture = 30M - 40M Amulet Of Torture (or) = 80M - 120M Necklace Of Anguish = 30M - 40M Necklace Of Anguish (or) = 80M - 120M Occult Necklace = 30M - 40M Occult Necklace (or) = 80M - 120M Necklace Of Avarice = 5M - 10M Ferocious Gloves = 50M - 75M Zaryte Vambraces = 40M - 60M Tormented Bracelot = 30M - 40M Tormented Bracelot (or) = 80M - 120M Rare Cosmetics : White Partyhat = 35M - 50M Red Partyhat = 35M - 50M Green Partyhat = 35M - 50M Yellow Partyhat = 35M - 50M Purple Partyhat = 35M - 50M Blue Partyhat = 35M - 50M Black Partyhat = DEPENDS ON SELLER Blue H'Ween Mask = 50M -80M Red H'Ween Mask = 40M - 80M Green H'Ween Mask = 40M - 80M Sled = 100M - 150M Miscellaneous : Arcane Prayer Scroll (Augury) = 60M - 80M Dexterous Prayer Scroll (Rigour) = 60M - 80M Primordial Crystal = 65M - 75M Pegasian Crystal = 65M - 75M Eternal Crystal = 65M - 75M Elyx Coins = 10K Per Coin Mystery Box = 30M - 40M Creator Box = 30M - 40M Donator Mystery Box = 80M - 100M (Event) Mystery Box = 80M - 100M Pet Mystery Box = 20M - 30M Epic Pet Mystery Box = 150M - 200M Mystery Chest = DEPENDS ON SELLER Imbuement Scrolls = 15M - 20M Larren's Keys = 100K - 250K Key Of Boxes = 50M - 80M Donator Tickets = 40K - 60K Vote Tickets = 400K - 500K Double Drop Lamps = 1M - 4M Cannon Set = 185M - 225M Bonds (per $1) = 5M - 7M (Prices may vary depending on supply an demand) I hope this will work out for everyone of the Top-G account. Credits : Syan & Luu & Gytis Topg2 points
Greetings Dear Members Of Elyx! We're thrilled to announce that Elyx is hosting another player guide contest after the success of our first guide competition! We know that many of you are very experienced when it comes to Elyx and it's gameplay. This is why we would like you to showcase your skills by inviting you to write helpful guides for other players in the community. Whether you're a veteran or just starting out, we welcome your submissions. We're looking for guides that are very informative, well-written, and easy to follow (Must include images/ or video). The guides can be about anything related to the game. Not sure what to create a guide about? Here are some suggestions: Gear Guide (Where to start, What to grind, How to obtain better gear) Top G Guide / Ironman Guide (Money-Making, Skilling, PvM, Starting off) Starter Guide (Money Making, Skilling, PvM) Road To Completionist Guide Optimal Maxing Guide Raids Guide (CoX & ToB) Bossing Guide (solo or mass boss) You may create a guide on any aspect of the game you prefer, these are just some suggestions and high in-demand guides. To encourage participation, we're offering prizes to the Top Three detailed guide Submissions. 1st Place - $50 bond + 150M Blood Money - Winner: Carni 2nd Place - $25 bond + 75M Blood Money - Winner: Catherby 3rd Place - $10 bond + 50M Blood Money - Winner: Luu (aka Live) 4th Place - 2x Halloween Mystery Boxes - Winner: SwedishPrxck Submitting a guide is easy. Simply write up your guide and submit it under the Guides section of the forums. Participants may upload more than one guide as a submission for the contest - there is no limit! However, please note: noticeably low-effort guides will not be counted. We can't wait to see what you come up with. This contest is a great opportunity to share your knowledge with the Elyx community and help others improve their gameplay. Good luck, and happy writing! -Elyx Management-2 points
Seren died before it was even released, glitched straight away and the event was left because of all the issues. I personally have the highest seren KC at 457, most of which have been solos. I feel like if you're to take into consideration someone's suggestions about it, I have a good say into it. I feel seren should be a more difficult boss but the same feeling as Nex where the more players the better and fun to mass for the quick kills and decent drops. How it is at the moment, it's more enjoyable to solo. I want to see Seren popular with events actually happening there. Firstly the drops need to be fixed. I offered a drop table a while ago and received zero feedback from it so I will be posting here as well so others can see (I did copy most droprates from nex but forgot about the drop boosts I have so may be slightly lower then they should be). ALL players should be given a drop on kill like nex. Not just the top damage. The max player in BIS gear shouldn't be given most of the loot over others. The higher drop values compared to nex is justified as seren is more time consuming, more difficult and should be given a longer timer to adjust to a certain amount of kills per hour no matter how many players. Serenic needs to be buffed to be better than ancient morrigans, it's embarrassingly weak. Either make it stronger for range or make it a hybrid armour so all attack styles can be used with the armour. First phase Dark beasts - Middle phase memories of seren - End phase scorpions - Serens "melee" attack - I have gave justification for most ideas posted above and am open for discussion to all of them. Rahman, please do not just ignore this. I would really enjoy to see some engagement to the suggestions I have posted some actual effort in and would love to suggest more to help improve the server.2 points
Hi, and welcome to my 1-99 agility guide, this guide will show you all the methods for you to achieve 99 agility. Levels 1-30 - Gnome Agility Course To Start training agility You will need to open your teleport interface -> Skilling - > Gnome agility course. . Each lap will give you 2763 xp, Which means you will have to do a total of 4 Laps to hit level 30. Levels 30-40 - Varrock Rooftop Course From levels 30-40 you will want to do the Varrock rooftop course, to get there you will need to open your teleport Interface -> Cities -> Varrock and run south to the west side of the general store where you can start the course. Please note that when you run rooftop courses you will acquire Marks of Grace. these can be used to buy Graceful pieces. Each Lap will give you 8330 xp, Which means you will have to do a total of 3 laps to hit level 40. Please note that when you run rooftop courses you will acquire Marks of Grace. these can be used to buy Graceful pieces. Levels 40-52/60 - Canafis Rooftop Course From level 40-52/60 you will be training at the canafis rooftop course Teleport interface -> cities -> Canafis the levels split here as you can decide to go into the wilderness at level 52 or if you want a safer option you can stay here until level 60, Once teleported you will want to run east to the tree and start the course from there . Each Lap will give you 8400 xp, Which means you will have to do a total of 10 laps to hit level 52 and a total of 28 laps to hit level 60. Option 1 - Levels 52-90 Wilderness agility course So you now 2 options on which way you want to train to 90 agility the first option is more dangerous as you are in deep wilderness, To get here you will need to go Teleport interface -> Skilling -> Wilderness agility course e. Each lap will give you 22995 xp, Which means you will have to do a total of 227 laps to hit level 90. Option 2 - Levels 60-90 Seers rooftop course option 2 which is a safer option is the seers rooftop course Teleport interface -> Cities -> Camelot, you will want to run west when you teleport and run outside of the bank Each lap will give you 19950 xp, Which means you will have to do a total of 254 laps to hit level 90. Levels 90-99 Agility Ardougne rooftop course You are now on your final course and the final stretch you will do the Ardougne rooftop course until 99 agility To get there Teleport interface -> cities -> Ardougne, you will run south east to start the agility course. Each lap will give you 27755 xp. which means you will have to do 276 laps to get 99 agility. Congratulations you have now have 99 agility, I hope this guide will help you out. .2 points
Down below I have a written guide on how to get your first couple Callisto kills Requirements: 43 prayer for protect from melee 60 melee combat stats Cheap an nasty melee gear i.e dragon scimitar rune armour Glory to have ability to teleport out of 30 wildy if you run south Optional spec wep i prefer dds Looting bag (not required but highly recommend) Food (ideally sharks can be brought from food shop) Prayer potions / super restores 5 should be more than enough for a few kills Getting to the boss: Simply type ::tp (at any safe location outside of wilderness) click on the bossing teleport section Click Callisto Press 1 run north west a 10 or so tiles Defeating the oversized bear: chuck your protect from melee prayer on attack the boss Sit back an wait till you have killed the boss. Congratulations you have successfully killed your first wilderness boss.2 points
Woodcutting Guide Hello and welcome to my woodcutting guide! Here I'll provide everything you need to know to get 99 Woodcutting! First, talk to the Tool Leprechaun at Home and buy an Iron Axe, Black Axe, Mithril Axe, Adamant Axe, and Rune Axe. The required level for these is listed below. Required Woodcutting Level for Axes Bronze Axe - 1 Iron Axe - 1 Steel Axe - 6 Black Axe - 11 Mithril Axe - 21 Adamant Axe - 31 Rune Axe - 41 Dragon Axe - 61 Woodcutting XP Rates Normal Tree 750 xp Oak Tree 1125 xp Willow Tree 2025 xp Maple Tree 3000 xp Yew Tree 5250 xp Magic Tree 7500 xp Redwood Tree 11400 xp Next we can start training Woodcutting! Start by using the Teleport interface and selecting Skilling > Camelot Trees Now chop down 4 of the regular trees to get to level 15. Congrats. Now its time to equip the black axe move on to Oak Trees. Luckily there are 2 Oak Trees close by! Chop down 10 of these until you get to level 30. Now equip the mithril hatchet and run north to the willow trees. There are a number of willow trees to the north of Camelot to keep you busy! This time you need to cut down 24 willows to get to 45 Woodcutting. Once leveled up head directly east to the Maple Trees and equip the Rune Axe. Directly north of the Camelot bank are quite a few Maple Trees that you will need to chop down next. Chopping 71 logs should be enough to get you all the way to 60 Woodcutting. Now we can move on to the Woodcutting Guild. Teleport to the Woodcutting Guild using the Teleport interface and selecting Skilling > Woodcutting Guild then click the gate to your left. Once inside follow the path to the west until you find the patch of 5 Yew Trees. There is a bank close by if you want to save the logs for Fletching or Firemaking. 180 Yew Logs should give enough experience to get to level 75. Just north of the Yew Trees are 8 Magic Trees that you will be cutting until 90 Woodcutting. This is the first section of the guide that requires a bit of a grind. Cut down 552 Magic Logs until you get to 90 Woodcutting. North of the Magic Trees are ladders to the Redwood Trees. Use the ladders to climb to the top. Now comes the final stretch! Just 675 Redwood Logs and you should make it to 99 Woodcutting! Congratulations!2 points
Position: Server Support (SS) Applications: Open We're thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity to become a Server Support at Elyx We believe in the importance of fostering a positive and engaging gaming environment for our community, that's why we're looking for dedicated individuals to join our staff team and help us achieve this goal. As a Server Support at Elyx you will play a critical role in ensuring fair play, enforcing the server's rules, and enhancing the overall gaming experience for our players. This position involves actively monitoring the game, assisting players, handling reports, and contributing to the growth and success of Elyx. Responsibilities: Monitor Game Activity: Maintain a presence in-game to monitor player behavior, interactions, and gameplay to ensure compliance with server rules and policies. Assist Players: Provide guidance, support, and assistance to players who have inquiries, need help, or encounter issues during their gameplay. Enforce Server Rules: Enforce server rules and policies consistently and fairly, addressing violations appropriately and maintaining a friendly gaming atmosphere. Handle Player Reports: Review and respond to player reports efficiently and effectively, investigating issues and taking appropriate action based on the evidence presented. Test New Content: Assist in testing new game content, features, or updates before their release to ensure they function properly and are free of bugs or glitches. Organize and Host Events: Plan, organize, and host in-game events to engage the community, encourage participation, and create a sense of community within the server. Create Game Guides: Develop comprehensive guides and tutorials to assist players in understanding various aspects of the game, enhancing their overall gaming experience. Contribute to Community Growth: Engage with the community, gather feedback, and contribute ideas to improve the server's features and player experience. Requirements: • Passion for the game and a genuine desire to contribute to the success of Elyx. • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to remain impartial and handle conflicts effectively. • Availability to dedicate time daily to fulfill the responsibilities of a Server Support. If you are interested in joining our team, please copy the format below and create a new post answering all of the following questions in detail. Note: Effortless applications will be rejected straightaway. (You may design your post as you please however the question format should remain the same) Format:2 points
Decided to make a server showcase for Elyx. A server that feels like home. Massive x2 Donator Mystery Boxes Giveaway. Join in boys.2 points
Greetings, Elyx players! As we kick off another week, the Elyx team wanted to touch base with our amazing community and share the latest updates and improvements we've made to the game. We've been listening to your feedback, working hard to improve your experience, and adding exciting new content to keep you on your toes. So, without further ado, let's dive into the latest news from Elyx! Updates ⦿Shops: Re-priced imbuement scroll and looting bag in slayer shop. Removed blood money casket from donator shop. Added Mithril seeds to donator shop for 1 donator ticket each. Arrows Re-priced. Runes Re-priced. Consumables Re-priced. Removed special restore potion from consumables store and added to boss point store. Vote shop Re-priced according to 4 top lists and the points received by them. Mithril armor set added to iron man store for warrior’s guild. ⦿Ancient Emblems: Repriced emblems to the given prices: Ancient emblem 50k Ancient totem 100k Ancient stat 150k Ancient med 200k Ancient effing 350k Ancient relic 500k Tournament: Removed (::leavelobby) command. Removed (::exit) command. Exit lobby portal now works. You can't change your stats now whilst being inside tournament lobby. Fixed an issue with final 2 players in tournament where if one logged, it bugged the tournament. Alts cannot enter tournament. You can’t eat food or drink potions in tournament lobby anymore. Added check for entering tournament, you can now only enter with maxed out combats. Ironmen cannot join the tournament. Tournament points awarded: 1st Place: 4 tournament points. 2nd Place: 3 tournament points. 3rd Place: 2 tournament points. All participants: 1 tournament point. ⦿Presets: Can no longer use looting bag or rune pouch with presets. Fixed issue with rune pouch resetting on loading preset. ⦿Spells: Wrath runes are now used to cast fire surge when tome of fire is equipped. Super heat ore spell now uses the required runes. ⦿Teleport: Al-kharid tanning teleport added to skilling teleports. Slayer gem teleport location for gargoyles fixed. Slayer gem teleport of demonic gorillas fixed. Slayer gem teleport for drakes has been fixed. ⦿Woodcutting: You can now enter the Ent’s room at wood cutting guild. ⦿Drops: Nex now drops 1-20 nihil shards. Removed Zulrah double drops. Rev maledictius drops were buffed. Occult necklace added to thermonuclear smoke devil and smoke devil drops. Increased blood money drops on kalphite queen. Added kalphite queen pet drop. Dragon items removed from rare drop announcement of kbd. Items dropped from bosses with value upwards of 300k will only be announced now. Added morrigan's javelins and morrigans throwing axes to rev drops. Added revenant teleport scroll to rev drops. Added announcement for rare rev drops (craw's, avarice, thammaron's, viggora's). Added announcement for blowpipe drop at zulrah. Increased amount of bm dropped from bosses when u have the BM slayer perk. (1.2k - 7.5k) ⦿Items: Added item creation for Zaryte crossbow. You now need x1 ACB, x1 Nihil horn and x250 Nihil shards to create a Zaryte crossbow. If u revert a Zaryte crossbow, it now gives u 250 nihil shards back aswell. Reworked Mythical Max cape bonuses. Reworked Zaweks pet. Fixed starter box issue for players on mac who couldn't claim. Blowpipe and magma Blowpipe bonus redone. Added requirements to wear Mystic magic armor. Nerfed dragon knives strength bonus. Range/Mage/Strength bonuses added to donator capes. ⦿Experience: Wildy skilling EXP is now 1.15X. Ironmen now have same EXP rates as normal players. Ironmen now have same drop-rates as trained accounts. Increased Agility EXP rate from 30x to 40x ⦿Nex: Nex minions no longer move. Nex now moves around and follows target. All Nex phases attack styles are now re-worked as follows: Shadow phase -> Ranged attacks Smoke phase -> Magic attacks Blood phase -> Magic attacks Ice phase -> Magic attacks Zaros phase -> Magic attacks Nex now hits u through prayer. Damage is reduced by 40% if you're praying. You can now click on ancient barrier to leave Nex's lair. Nex now gives 3 boss points to each player. Nex kill-count counter has been added. Bank chest was added outside Nex’s lair. ⦿Wilderness: You can no longer leave wilderness through Corp’s cave while holding a wildy key. ⦿Commands: Added (::website) command. Added (::forums) command. Added (::hiscores) command. (::Coxexit) command fixed, won’t work outside of COX. ⦿Chambers of Xeric: Added dragon claws to the COX collection log Vespula can no-longer be safe-spotted. Nerfed Vespula at raids. Removed donator's extra raid run point boost. Olmlet pet now gives 3% points boost in raid run. Olmlet also gives damage accuracy bonus of all combat styles. Raids issue fixed where if the raid party leader got Dc’s out of raid the raid would be over. It now only removes the leader from the raid and the raid continues. Completing raids now gives you 6 boss points for solo raids, 5 boss points for team raids. ⦿Gambling/Staking: You can no longer plant Mithril seeds if you're not in a gamble. Only Ruby members+ can stake. Only Ruby members+ can gamble. ⦿Slayer: You now need 25k BM to cancel slayer task which resets your streak. Else you can reset ur task for 30 slayer points which doesn’t reset your streak. Slayer level requirement added for regular slayer tasks. Krystilia added to slayer room at home for only wildy tasks. Cerberus now counts towards hellhound task. Decreased slayer points per task. Double slayer points now work. ⦿Voting: Voting for players with username any possible usernames has been updated. Added Top100arena toplist to our voting page. Added TopG toplist to our voting page. ⦿Titles Billionaire title now cost 1b bm. Millionaire title now costs 1m bm. All titles were repriced. ⦿Achievements: Zulrah achievements now register as a completed achievement on completion. Chaos elemental achievements now register as a completed achievement on completion. All achievements re-done & Rewards were also Re-done. ⦿Mystery box & Donator Mystery box: Rewards from both boxes were re-done and buffed. Collection log for both boxes was re-done. ⦿Chests: Wildy-key chest rewards redone. Larrans-key chest rewards redone. Collection log re-done for both chests. ⦿Item Fortification: item fortification success rates re-done. ⦿Daily tasks: All Daily task rewards were buffed. ⦿Other: Did you know (DYK) announcements were re-done. Removed crystal key loot announcement. Accounts no longer log out after 20mins while afking. Can no-longer use kill-blow on kraken tentacles. Bank chest was added essence mining area. Vorkath now gives 4 boss points per kill instead of 3. Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We hope that you found this information helpful and that you are excited about the progress we've made. As always, we appreciate your continued support and feedback, which are invaluable in helping us make Elyx the best it can be. We remain committed to delivering a fantastic gaming experience for all our players, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you soon. Happy gaming! - Elyx Staff Team2 points
First things first, you should Always pray mage....It's best to have quick prayers set because when she shoots a purple fireball, it will disable prayers. Always dodge the fireball/ move 2 spaces over that when she spits in the air, if not it will one shot you or , x1 space over will do half damage to health. I prefer to always walk here for the acid pool and walking/being close to her, makes the flaming fire ball fall a bit slowly. another reason I personally prefer melee on this boss. *You don't have to spec the boss with claws can use a DWH or BGS to drop defense or another other spec weapon just for damage. Like all dragons he is weak to stab and can use any stab weapon. Also when she freezes you she's untouchable until you kill the little undead spawn, you can negate damage by killing her before she touches you, or just tank the damage witch is random but it can max up to 30 HPTS, Hope this provides some help to those in need with this boss. Regards, Gambino2 points
Greetings Elyx, Get ready to dive into the haunting spirit of Halloween with our exclusive, time-limited items! This Halloween, Elyx brings you a thrilling lineup of items that will cast a spell on your gaming experience. From eerie cosmetics to powerful gear, there's something magical for every player looking to embrace the season. Don’t miss out on these spine-chilling offers! Available Now on Our Store & Halloween Mystery Box! Halloween Osmumten’s Fang Halloween Masori Set Halloween Tumeken's Shadow Halloween Sanguine Scythe of Vitur Halloween Twisted Bow Halloween Voidwaker Halloween Mythical Boots Halloween Magma Blowpipe Halloween Jack-O-Bat Pet Don’t let these fang-tastic items disappear into the night! Elevate your game with our Halloween-exclusive items, available for a limited time. Whether you go straight to the store or take a spooky chance with the Halloween Mystery Box, you’re in for a treat that will make your Halloween adventure unforgettable. Treat Yourself to a Special 25% Discount Across Our Store for a Limited Time! Hurry! These exclusive items vanish when Halloween ends, so get your hands on them before they’re gone! "Credits to the talented Gambino for the creativity" Happy Haunting - Elyx Management -1 point
"The Soul Armour a beacon of hope and destruction." Key Features: Customizable Bonuses: Elevate your gameplay by choosing which best-in-slot armour stat you want to add to the Soul Armour during purchase. Whether you prefer range, melee, or mage stats, the choice is yours! 15% Drop Rate Bonus: Enjoy a 15% drop rate bonus everywhere you venture, increasing your chances of securing rare loot. Custom GFX: Personalize your armour with a unique graphic effect from our exclusive selection. This effect can be toggled on and off, making your armour truly one-of-a-kind. Exclusive Customized Pet: Soul Pet come to life. Weapon Customization: The player will also get an option to customize any of their weapons to match the Soul Armour. The chosen weapon will be enhanced with the crystals and theme of the Soul Armour, creating a cohesive and powerful set. Customized Cape: In addition to the armour set, players will receive a customized cape designed in the Soul Armour theme, ensuring a complete and visually stunning ensemble. History: "Forged in the heart of the abyss, the Soul Armour binds the essence of the eternal with the mortal frame." "Embedded with the crystals of the ancients, it channels power beyond the realms of comprehension." "Each crystal within this armour holds the whispers of forgotten eras, bestowing wisdom and strength upon its wearer." "In the heat of battle, the crystals within resonate with the cries of warriors long gone, empowering the wearer with unparalleled might." "This armour, imbued with ancient runes, transforms the wearer into a harbinger of fate, altering destinies with every step." Soul Pet: Buyers will also receive a customized pet. You can select the NPC for the pet, which will be transformed and themed to match the Soul Armour, making your companion as unique and powerful as the armour itself. Available Now On Store (1 Week Only) The Soul Armour will be available for (1 week) only. Don’t miss your chance to acquire this legendary set and become a part of Elyx history. Head over to the Store now and secure your Soul Armour before it vanishes into the annals of time. Prepare yourself, adventurer, for with the Soul Armour, your journey in Elyx will never be the same again. Note: Please Open a Donation Ticket - The Elyx Team -1 point
STATUS: INACTIVE Greetings Elyx, Get ready to embark on an epic adventure like never before! We're thrilled to announce our latest seasonal Premium Battle Pass, combining the joy of Easter with the excitement of summer. Prepare to dive into a world of thrilling challenges, exclusive rewards, and boundless fun! Easter x Summer Theme: Embrace the vibrant colors of Easter eggs and the warmth of summer sunsets as you journey through the realms of Elyx RSPS. Free Premium Battlepass $343+ Claim Your Free Premium Battle Pass: Simply enter the command ::freebattlepass to claim your complimentary Premium Battle Pass and unlock a world of possibilities. Free 10$ Bond Claim your complimentary 10$ Bond using the Command: ::Bond Exclusive Rewards Await: Bonus Challenges & Surprises: Stay on your toes! Engage in bonus challenges, discover hidden treasures, and unlock secret rewards as you progress through the Battle Pass tiers. Golden Egg Hunt $1500+ Keep your eyes peeled across Elyx for highly valuable eggs: Bronze Egg: Win $10 via PayPal! (More than one) Silver Egg: Win $50 via PayPal! (More than one) Gold Egg: Win $1000 via PayPal! (Only one) These can be found in various adventurous ways, including: - Easter eggs in the wilderness (every hour spawn just like wilderness key) might turn out to be one of these precious eggs when you pick them up. - Hourly Global Bosses in the wilderness now have a rare chance to drop these eggs. - Evil Bunny global boss has a slim chance to drop any of these eggs. - All Bosses around Elyx have a very rare chance to drop these eggs if you prefer to stay out of the wilderness. - Bosses inside wilderness have a more likely chance to give you an egg! - Chambers Of Xeric & Theatre Of Blood raiding also has a very slim chance of giving you an egg. Exciting Features: Combat XP Multiplier: Your combat XP is now supercharged, divided by 4-6 before being added to your Battle Pass progress bar. Take on foes with newfound vigor and speed! Skilling XP Boost: Sharpen your skills! Skilling XP is divided by 2-4 and contributes to your Battle Pass progression. Master your craft like never before! 103 Levels of Rewards: From enchanting cosmetics to exclusive in-game items, the Battle Pass offers rewards at every step of your journey, up to level 103! Join the Adventure: Whether you're a seasoned warrior or a budding hero, there's something for everyone in the Elyx RSPS Easter x Summer Premium Battle Pass. Gather your friends, sharpen your blades, and embark on the journey of a lifetime! Are you ready to seize glory and claim your place among legends? The adventure awaits! Important Links: Limited Items Official Post Easter X Summer Official Post Note: Offer valid for a limited time only. Don't miss out! Status: Available Elyx Management.1 point
1 point
Greetings, Elyx players! As we kick off another week, the Elyx team wanted to touch base with our amazing community and share the latest updates and improvements we've made to the game. We've been listening to your feedback, working hard to improve your experience, and adding exciting new content to keep you on your toes. So, without further ado, let's dive into the latest news from Elyx! Patch Notes QOL Added 1 extra sanfew serum in nh tournament preset Added torva preset for tournament and also added broadcast/name of tourney will be announced before it starts Bugs Added blood reaver to nex Water under the bridge at home is now unwalkable The unwalkable tiles in slayer room at home are now walkable On logging out players will leave raids party directly Nex dissapearing bug has been patched Sleepwalkers in nightmare (All sleepwalkers will now unspawn instead of walking back) Bloat flesh fall does not occur in tournament room and will only take place inside bloat's arena Banking while skilling will stop actions Zalcano will no longer 1 hit players when standing on red symbol You will no longer spawn inside objects while participating in tournaments When you view someones shop, then search for an item. When you go to buy the item you searched for, it now buys the selected item Alchemical hydra's final phase poison attacks animation has been fixed Replaced vial of blood from tob to correct version Donation counter pricing now matches prices on store Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We hope that you found this information helpful and that you are excited about the progress we've made. As always, we appreciate your continued support and feedback, which are invaluable in helping us make Elyx the best it can be. We remain committed to delivering a fantastic gaming experience for all our players, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you soon. Happy gaming! - The Elyx Team -1 point
You're such a friendly and trustworthy person, i definitely want to see you as a server support. Hope you get it mayne1 point
For me luu should definitely be considered for a contribution rank as that man has put many hours into this game and helped a lot of people in the community that I’ve seen myself. He is also not scared to challenge people if he disagrees with anything which I think someone in this role should be. When I started Elyx myself luu was the guy who helped me a lot with everything which I’m sure other people feel the same way about him and I think he will be a quirky but fun addition to the team! IGN muke P.S I will be returning to Elyx very soon I have 1 week left on my course then when I find a job I’ll be returning.1 point
In-Game Username: Dukenukem Discord ID: 329024280069406721 Time Played on Elyx: 14 days Contributions and Experience: I have been apart of conversations regarding what events would be exiting & fun, aswell as little ideas could be apart of the schedule with other players! I'd love to mention my heart flutters when the rest of the players and I speak about these Ideas We've built in our minds, knowing the certain impact we know it will bring for all of us Elyxians. Briefly describe your experience with Elyx:: Rephrase experience, because with all due respect, I've only had one type of expereience. (That would be, Happily STUCK to my chair!) Have you been involved in any community activities or events?:: Sir Rahman & Madam Risker, If you've turned an eye towards the community as you most certainly have from the proof of the work you two, the rest of the team & community members have done, you'd notice that I've gained a Passion for being involved any way possible and/or helping with event's, funding giveaways for those! (From my heart, By the way). What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank?:: I Know this sounds clique, but I genuinely feel like I belong with everyone in this community. I Really & Truly Beleive there's changes that would benefit everyone as well as the content everywhere around Elyx if I was brought onto this team. (Please, Don't mistake my goofy jokes with stupidity, I am "low key", A Gottam genius!). Yes, I've got Skillz. Community Interaction: Interaction?:: I am the definition of In-ter-act-ion! I mean, have you seen me out there? **brushes shoulder** All Jokes aside, I get along and build a friendship easily with everyone I get the pleasure of speaking with, welp besides that one guy.... I beleive his name is Swedishdxck? Anyone know him? *Teehee* How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community?:: First and foremost, I am able to observe behaviors of one another while understanding the best way to approach him/her in said situations. I seem to have the skill of calming the nerves of indiveduals who may be under stress or even a bit angry. (Could be a gift from God) I'd like to mention that my beloved "GO-TO" with people In certain situations would be to make a light joke, talk with them, build friendship & trust as well as I'm able to. This method seems to bring out the comfortable and more open sides of someone, giving everyone a sense of ease In that moment. Although I am not perfect, I try my hardest to come off loving and unharmful by any means. How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server?:: I'd say my visions are better off being shown than said because I couldn't fit my aspirations for Elyx RSPS in just one entire page. Perhaps consider giving my good intentions & imaginations to the test? My skills with working with less educated OSRS/RSPS players may shock you all! You won't regret that descision. Vision for Elyx:: **Vision's for Elyx** :: The Elyx community has already, this early proved itself with the ability to become not just the new #1 private server on all RSPS Lists, Elyx can and will be for certain, bigger than any RSPS to exist now, as well as to ever exist. Mark My Words. This kind of mindset takes a toll on many, and even for me I expect to have tiring days, sleepless nights & many challenges. We will and i mean we WILL stay moving forward! Any additional information you would like to share with us?:: I've had these feelings and thought's of wanting to be apart of staff here due to what i see and how inspiring you all are, working my way up to the top is the best way to prove myself. With that being said, I am pleased to be Oh SO Ready.1 point
1 point
Contents Introducing the Woodcutting Skill Basic Information Hatchets How to obtain, with other little information included Trees Type of trees, level requirements, experience rates Tree Locations Locations of where to train Woodcutting Woodcutting Mastery After achieving level 99 Experience Table Introducing the Woodcutting Skill Woodcutting is one of the five resource gathering skills. Training Woodcutting involves chopping down sundry types of vegetation, mostly sundry trees. In doing so, you will receive a component of the vegetation (in most cases), which can customarily be utilized in some other adeptness or activity. - Woodcutting is subsidiary for training other skills, such as Fletching, Firemaking, and Construction. It is also useful for incipiently joined players to make money early in the game. - Trees are found everywhere throughout Elyx. They can be tracked down to localized "Woodcutting Spots" where they cluster in astronomically immense numbers. Each log is unique to its corresponding tree, so if you optate to woodcut a certain log then you will have to find its corresponding tree. Note that, depending on what kind of tree you are chopping, it will vanish after you receive an arbitrary amount of logs from it. - In order to woodcut, you will require any type of hatchet. Simply left-click on a tree and if you have the required level to chop that tree then just sit back and optically canvass the logs accumulate in your inventory! Hatchets As you cannot cut down entire trees with your bare hands, hatchets are required. In order to chop a tree, you must either be wielding a hatchet, or have one in your inventory. Hatchets can be bought from shops by ::shops at home! Iron Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 1 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 1 - Steel Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 6 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 5 - Mithril Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 21 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 20 - Adamant Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 31 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 30 - Rune Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 41 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 40 - Dragon Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 61 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 60 - Infernal Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 61 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 60 Additional Information: The infernal hatchet is created by using a smouldering stone on a dragon hatchet. Chopping trees with the infernal hatchet will grant a 1/3 chance the logs will be burnt as they are chopped This will give 50% of the Firemaking experience that would usually be gained by using a tinderbox to burn the logs. Redwood logs can be burnt this way even without having the required Firemaking level to light them. * Need level 61 in Woodcutting and level 85 in Firemaking to create. Trees This is the map you will find on globe right next to minimap or ctrl + t for teleports. Select Skilling, and scroll down to see the Camelot Trees + Woodcutting Guild. For 1 - 60 Levels you would stay in Camelot Trees Area, from 60 - 99 you will be at Woodcutting Guild. 1 - 15 Simple Trees 15 - 30 Oak Trees 30 - 45 Willow Trees 45 - 60 Maple Trees 60 - 75 Yew Trees 75 - 99 Magic Trees Types of Trees - Xp Rates - Logs Required for Levels. Woodcutting Mastery When you have reached level 99 in the Woodcutting skill, you can purchase the Woodcutting skill cape and hood for 100,000 blood money. Experience Table1 point
Yes brother! I'd love to make more guides and help this server! Thank you for the appreciation!1 point
Great guide mate keep up the goodwork look forward to seeing more guides in the near future1 point
Greetings, Elyx players! As we kick off another week, the Elyx team wanted to touch base with our amazing community and share the latest updates and improvements we've made to the game. We've been listening to your feedback, working hard to improve your experience, and adding exciting new content to keep you on your toes. So, without further ado, let's dive into the latest news from Elyx! Patch Notes ⦿Shops: Added Frozen Key to enter Nex's Frozen Door to Boss Shop for 25 Boss Points Reduced the price of Mystery Boxes in Vote Store from 100 Vote Points to 40 Reduced the price of $5 bond in the Vote Store from 200 Vote Points to 100 Added Neitiznot helm to iron-man store Added bucket of sand, soda ash and glass blowing pipe to supplies tool store for normal players ⦿Spells: Added autocast to Slayer Staff. It can now autocast Crumble Undead Crumble Undead spell will now kill Vorkath's Zombified Spawn with one attack ⦿Teleport: Inferno Teleport has been added in the "Minigames" tab Added Nex Frozen Door Teleport in "Boss" tab Added teleport for Rellekka Rooftop Agility Course Added Teleport for Basilisk Knights ⦿Drops: Added Yew Logs to Zulrah's Drop Table Added Pure Essence to Zulrah's Drop Table Grimy Toadflax has now been added as drops for several monsters Kraken will now drop noted herbs Demonic Gorillas will now drop noted potions Basilisk Jaw drop added to Basilisk Knights and Basilisk Sentinels Nightmare drop rates have been lowered to what they should be All Npc/Boss drops have been reworked The complete Drop system has been re-done for better accuracy and Rng count ⦿Bosses: Kerberos will now grant 3 Boss Points on death ⦿Chests: Fixed bug with Molten Chest typo for "Null" ⦿New Content: Added Inferno minigame(Full waves) Added Basilisk Knights with Complete combat functionality Added the Superior NPC Basilisk Sentinel Added Amethyst Mining to Mining Guild ⦿Slayer: Artio will now count towards Callisto and Bear Slayer Tasks Arachne will now count towards Spiders Slayer Tasks Mutated Bloodvelds in Catacombs of Kourend will now count toward Slayer Tasks Infernal Mage's Slayer Level requirement changed to Level 45 ⦿Collection Log: Fixed Slayer Key Collection Log displaying 2x Armadyl Plateskirts. Made one of these the Armadyl Chestplate All Achievement Logs & Rewards have been reworked ⦿Quality Of Life: You no longer need to relog for the Double EXP timer to show up once you vote Tournaments can now be started with a minimum of 2 players Beginner's Craw's Bow and Beginner's Viggora's Chainmace will now degrade after 1,000 hits Beginner's Armadyl Godsword and Beginner's Dragon Claws will now degrade after 200 hits You can now add 1,000,000 Blood Money to lottery(Only 1M) ⦿Theatre Of Blood: Pillars inside of ToB, at Verzik first phase have had their HP increased Theatre of Blood now rewards 20 Boss Points if you complete it in a team Theatre of Blood now rewards 30 Boss Points if you complete it solo ⦿Chambers Of Xerics: Chambers of Xerics now rewards 15 Boss Points if you complete it in a team Chambers of Xerics now rewards 20 Boss Points if you complete it solo ⦿Daily Tasks: Reduced amount of Wilderness Boss and CoX raids to 1 for Daily Tasks ⦿Bug Fixes: Fixed bug where Inferno was not multi-combat Fix bug where Jal-Xil(Ranger) was not attackable Fixed Jal-Ak bug where it would only Melee to its proper attack style Fixed Jal-MejRah bug where it would only Melee to its proper attack style Fixed bug where Kalphite Queen would not respawn Fixed bug where Tournaments would reset your Experience and levels Rune Pouch bug where you would lose runes while banked has been fixed Verzik will no longer bug while moving to the center. Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We hope that you found this information helpful and that you are excited about the progress we've made. As always, we appreciate your continued support and feedback, which are invaluable in helping us make Elyx the best it can be. We remain committed to delivering a fantastic gaming experience for all our players, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you soon. Happy gaming! - The Elyx Team -1 point
Loved the suggestion mate 100% support id love to see seren active an i think you have given a 10/10 suggest +1 Alot of work put into the suggestion an well thought out1 point
1 point
Attention, fellow Elyxians! We are thrilled to announce the release of the incredible new Top-G game mode that will take your gaming experience to extraordinary heights. Brace yourselves for an adrenaline-pumping adventure like no other! Prepare to immerse yourself in the world of Elyx like never before. Introducing: Top-G Game mode In this groundbreaking game mode, we have crafted an entirely fresh and captivating gameplay experience that will test your skills, push your limits, and ignite your competitive spirit. Features Every new account gets 3 Lives. If you die 3 times your account gets resetted automatically and you lose each and everything in your account including your levels, items, achievements, points. In short, your account gets eco-resetted. Top G's get 15% Droprate Bonus. Top G's can only trade with other Top G's. Top G's with only 1 LIFE can only trade other Top-G's having one life. Top G's with only 1 LIFE cannot pick up any items dropped by anyone excluding themselves. Top G's can access all shops excluding trading post. Top G's can purchase lives for themselves inside the Elyx Coin Store (tortured wizard npc at home). All Top G's get 1 hour of Wilderness Immunity when they register a new account and on every death they get 1 hour of Wilderness Immunity where they cannot be attacked by other players and cannot attack other players. All Top G's get a starter kit with Top G equipment including armour set and weapons of each style. All Top G's have a chance to deal Calamatic Damage randomly whilst pvming. Calamatic hit basically x2's your current hit damage. ⦿Safe deaths where Top G's wont lose their life: Jad Minigame Inferno Minigame Raids 1 Raids 2 Upon dying to a player in the wilderness Top G's will lose all of their items just like when Red-Skulled Events To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are hosting an extraordinary giveaway with fantastic rewards that will further enhance your gaming experience. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our passionate community, and we couldn't think of a better way to express our appreciation than by showering you with incredible prizes. Here's a sneak peek at the astounding rewards up for grabs: Top-G Maxing Event (First 3 Top-G's to max out all their skills): First Place: $50 (PayPal, Crypto or OSRSGP) or $150 Store credit + 2 Top G Lives. Second Place: $100 Store Credit + 1 Top G Live. Third Place: $50 Store credit + 1 Top G Live. Top-G Collection Log Completion Event (Most Collection Logs Completed After 4 Weeks): First Place: $50 (Paypal, Crypto or OSRSGP) or $150 Store credit + 2 Top G Lives. Second Place: $100 Store Credit + 1 Top G Live. Third Place: $50 Store credit + 1 Top G Live. Top-G Achievements Event (Most Achievements Completed After 4 Weeks): First Place: $50 (Paypal, Crypto or OSRSGP) or $150 Store credit + 2 Top G Lives. Second Place: $100 Store Credit + 1 Top G Live. Third Place: $50 Store credit + 1 Top G Live. Don't Miss Out on the Adventure and Rewards! Thank you for your unwavering support and for being an integral part of our gaming community. Together, let's celebrate the release of Top-G Game-mode and make this gaming experience one for the ages! Game on! Elyx Team.1 point
1 point
Very detailed guide. Thank you for your efforts into making this. It will definitely help out the new players and old players aswell.1 point
1 point
In-game username: Xmas Age: 26 Time zone: CST Discord name: Xmas Time played in-game: 4 days Previous staff or moderation experience: I have held every role in the RSPS scene. Have been a part of many different servers and have been able to see how all roles should be ran. Why do you want to be a staff member of Elyx?: I want to be a staff member because I believe my knowledge of the server will help with new players and exisiting players. Also I believe that my time around the RSPS scene will help tremendously. What skills or qualities would you bring to the team?: The skills and qualities I would bring to the team is I am very passionate about the server. I also enjoy trying new things out so I will be able to constantly do things all around the server to make sure all is good. I am very dedicated along with honest, so if I find something that either needs to be fixed or taken out I will report it ASAP. What is your availability?: My availability is basically 8am-12am CST Monday-Sunday. I work from home so I am always around. What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I have been playing osrs/RSPS for the past 8-9 years, so I have a lot of experience when it comes to both RSPS and OSRS How familiar are you with the specific features and gameplay mechanics of Elyx? I would say in the amount of time I have been around Elyx I have been able to do almost all of the bosses along with raids. Which allowed me to get a great idea of how all mechanics work. Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? I have been in-game support on multiple servers. Holding this position has allowed me to get a good grasp on how the staff team runs while allowing me to engage with players. How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? I thrive in this type of environment. Been working this type all my life along with RSPS. What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? I think the main qualities are honest, respectful, determined, and friendly. How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? If i approached a situation where I didn't have all the information needed I would 100% seek further assistance from someone higher up ASAP to help solve the issue. How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game? I would first giving the player a warning because I feel when a player is being rude to another player it can cause that player not want to play also it can effect others as well. If the player continues I would mute. The game should be a fun place to come enjoy yourself and grind. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision in a support role. How did you handle it? On a specific server that I had this role on. I ran into an issue where a player was causing a lot of problems with the server and I wasn't sure how to handle it and the higher up staff was not responding to me on what to do. So I ultimately had to ban the player. What kind of training or resources would you need to be successful in this role? I don't think a lot of training at all would be needed. I believe my experience with the RSPS scene has helped me gain a lot of knowledge. How would you balance your role as a support staff member with your own personal gameplay goals? I would balance it by whenever someone needs assistance I would make that a top priority. I would still grind like normal but make sure that everyone is good to go at the same time.1 point
Welcome to the Team! Promoted to Joint Server Support therefore his Authority In-game, Forums, Discord as-well-as any other platforms on which Elyx exists.1 point
We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to each and every one of you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Elyx. It has been an incredible week since the launch of Elyx, and we are thrilled to see how much you all enjoy playing the game. Our team has been working vigorously every day to ensure that Elyx meets your expectations, listening to your feedback, and making the necessary changes to improve your overall gaming experience. With that said, we are proud to announce that we have made significant progress in stabilizing the game's economy, fixing bugs, and implementing new content. We would like to share with you all the updates and improvements we have made since launch. Content Updates ⦿ Nex has been added with complete functionality. Fixes ⦿Shops: Changes have been made to the following shops pricing with respect to the developing economy: Food & potions Melee Shop Range shop Mage Shop Boss points Shop Iron-man supplies shop Herblore shop Bounty hunter shop Boss point store Vote point store Donator store Tools store Master Fisher Added Anglerfish crate -> worth 50 boss points and gives 1k anglerfishes. No other shop sells anglers now. Non-irons can no longer access ironmen shops. Emblems can no longer be sold to general store. BM wares/barrows/other shops have been removed items offered but this shop have been added to the Melee/Range/Mage shops. Elemental shield has been to a shop for wyverns. ⦿Drops: Blood Money drops have been made x10 for all bosses. Drops have been readjusted for all major bosses. ⦿Voting: A new top-list has been added to voting site. Voting achievement has been fixed. Voting has been fixed for players with usernames of less than 3 letters. ⦿Items: All Slayer Helm (i) now give correct bonuses. Opening a mystery box no longer sends a message twice. Fixed issue with players not being able to claim starter box. Item combination not working for item’s such as DFS are all now working. You can now use dragon bolts with: Dragon crossbow, Armadyl crossbow, Dragon hunter crossbow, Zaryte crossbow. Ring of wealth can now be imbued using imbuement scroll. ⦿Donator: Donator cave revenant zone entrance issue has been fixed. Added banker npc to dzone and removed dzone access for normal players. Donator shop dialogue now works. ⦿Iron-man: Ironmen can no longer use the lottery. ⦿Thieving: Afk stall pet odds nerfed. All stalls at home have been buffed. ⦿Slayer: Mutated bloodvelds now count towards bloodvelds slayer task. Pirates have been made attackable now. Basilisks jaw removed from slayer collection log. You can now kill all red dragons and baby red dragons. Added task master rewards. ⦿Enchanted-gem: You can now teleport to all Npc’s using enchanted gem other then wildy npc’s or GWD npcs. ⦿Game-modes: Changing game-mode no longer resets all of player skills, only resets your combat skills now. ⦿Lottery: Players can now only add 100k to the lottery. ⦿Revenant Maledictus Revenant Maledictus spawning chance roll fixed Revenant Maledictus hitpoints have been reduced to 2k Revenant Maledictus drops redone to better rates. ⦿Revenants: Revenant drops have been redone. Revenants collection log now has bracelet of ethereum (charged) as that's what revenants drop. ⦿Agility: Decreased agility xp for rope swing in barb course so it can’t be abused Increased total xp gained on completing the course. ⦿Presets: Fixed presets and added proper pricing to each default presets. ⦿Commands: Removed unused commands. ::commands interface added. ⦿Nex: Fixed nex dropping loot for only one player, it now drops loot for every player who fights it and there's double loot roll for top damager. Can no longer one-hit nex with the "kill shot" slayer perk; it was bugging nex. ⦿Xp: Removed 2x xp bonus for skilling at donator zone. Bonus xp from wildy skilll to 1.3x. ⦿Item fortification: Slayer helm (i) success rate is now 35%. ⦿Item blazing: Fixed typo "Items ablaze" to "Items Blaze". ⦿Achievements: Reduced Corp achievement from 500 to 100. Reduced Zulrah achievement from 500 to 150. ⦿Lava beasts: Lava beast can't be AFKED anymore. ⦿Chamber of Xerics: COX loots have been redone with more supplies. Tekton safe-spot in COX has been fixed. Fixed Muttadile safe-spot bug in COX. When u kill vespula and die at the same time your now teleported to ground floor. You now get 50k-150k blood money on every COX completion ⦿Wilderness: Wilderness ditch has been fixed: It no longer freezes you. You cannot follow someone through the ditch anymore. ⦿Tournament: Can leave the tournament lobby now. ⦿Hiscores: Staff members no longer appear on hiscores ⦿Emblems: All PVP Emblems (tier 1-10) price increased when exchanging at bounty hunter. Ancient Emblems (Revs) price increased when exchanging at bounty hunter. ⦿Daily tasks (PVM): Daily task PVM rewards added: Daily battle mage: 50k bm. Daily corp: 250k bm, 1 slayer key. Daily neck: 50k bm. Daily raiding: 500k bm. Daily rev: ancient relic, ancient effing. Daily slayer: 5 slayer keys. Daily vorki: 50k bm, 30 superior bones. Daily wildy boss: 50k bm , wildy key. Daily world bosses: 50k bm. Daily zulrah: 250k bm. ⦿Dwarf Cannon: Can-not setup dwarf cannon in the donator revenant zone anymore. ⦿Events: Added an event for double voting tickets which we can use. ⦿Bolts: Fixed bolts specials not working for ruby donators ⦿Giant mole: Added 2 more giant moles to the lair ⦿Barrelchest: Does not count towards wildy boss daily task. Moved to the monastery & can be accessed through boss teleports. ⦿Wildy key: GUTHIX REST (4) FROM WILDY KEY IS now named properly. ⦿Farming: Timers for farming have been fixed. Thank you once again for your continued support and feedback. We are delighted to share with you the progress we have made in stabilizing Elyx's economy, fixing bugs, and implementing new content. We value your trust and input, and we are committed to making Elyx an enjoyable and exciting gaming experience for all our players. We will continue to work hard to provide you with regular updates and improvements, and we look forward to seeing you in the game. - Elyx Staff Team1 point