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Everything posted by OREO

  1. IGN: OREO Discord ID: ayeteddy Time Played on Elyx: 10 days, in 10 days played: 7days17hours Contributions and Experience: tik tok and Instagram both OREOrsps will start spamming both social medias with content Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: Honestly great game I learned a lot in this past week so that shows that this server and the community is very nice loving and supportive they helped me out a ton and I’m nearly at maxed 99s had a blast playing so far and can’t wait for the future of Elyx I’m excited to help and contribute the best I can! What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? due to my extreme love for elyx and being an active player day and night i would like to contribute to elyx in every way for it to grow Community Interaction: great but I’d say maybe ask the players around about how I am then you’d get the answer you’ve been looking for but overall wonderful. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? Just being online at all times always in a good mood ask you how you are doing if anyone does ever ask I help the way I can always respond in help chat no matter what it is. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: Honestly it’s a work in progress nothing’s perfect nor ever will be and that I stand by so keep doing what you’ve been doing and doing stop ! How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? As a member of contributor team i plan on help the staff and owners with any heavy lifting. Any additional information you would like to share with us? if you need anything @ayeteddy on discord
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