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Jackk's App


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In-game username: Jackk

Age: 27

Time zone: AEST GMT+10

Discord name: Jackk#4147

Time played in-game: 14 Days 3 Hours

Previous staff or moderation experience: None

Why do you want to be a staff member of Elyx?: I love to help guide old/new and returning players as best i can, also like to help push them in the right direction in regards to account progession.

What skills or qualities would you bring to the team?: I have good communication skills, i can help to defuse heated situtations without losong my own cool.

What is your availability?: 7 days a week work dependant, also in my quite time i jump on an play via remote access at work

What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I have been around the rsps scene for roughly 15 years, i have playef osrs on an off since 2008

How familiar are you with the specific features and gameplay mechanics of Elyx? I feel like i have a good general knowlodge most mechanics an certain client features in Elyx

Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? No I have not been apart of any form of support team.

How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? I think i am fairly comfortable in fast paced environments an level headed in high pressure environments.

What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? Ability to help any player, be able to solve light issues promptly, help guide players that need guiding. Also not to let personal issues or opinions on certain player/s cloud your judgement

How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? Do more research on the current issue depending on how bad the situation may be an only take action once you have enough information on what has caused the problem in the first place. I.e treat all accused innocent until proven otherwise.

How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game? I would ask them to stop harrassing said player, i would also warn them if they continued you may recieve a mute or potential ban, before applying any punishment i would run it past the higher ups. I.e a mod, admin or owner, before putting a punishment in place

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision in a support role. How did you handle it? I have never been in a support role before.

What kind of training or resources would you need to be successful in this role? Guidance in the role as i have never been involved in a support role environment before.

How would you balance your role as a support staff member with your own personal gameplay goals? People that need help will always come first before my own gameplay, so they can enjoy the game like i do.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my application 🙂

Edited by Jackk
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