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  1. In-game username: Impaired Age: 27 Time zone: UTC+2 Discord username: Fiseringen/Impaired Time played in-game: 65 days 13 hours Previous staff/moderation experience: I've played private servers for many years and for the most part i have been a staff member, so i've got alot of experience with doing background work and being someone that people feel like they can talk to easily Specify your current availability in terms of time slots or hours per week/day: I would say definitely around 3-4 hours per day, sometimes more. I have been slacking a bit lately, because of different reasons, but i'm back to being active everyday Why do you want to be a part of the Elyx staff team? Elyx has been a very different RSPS for me, definitely because of the community, but also because of the fantastic staff team that is a part of Elyx, and i believe i would be a good fit in the group What skills/qualities would you bring to the team? I don't have many skills when it comes to running a RSPS, though I'm very eager to learn any potential things. I have experience with photoshop and c##, if that helps with getting me started What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I've played OSRS since 2006 so I know very much about the game, I started with private servers around 2011-2012 when Evolution of Combat came out. I know pretty much about all types of ways to play the game How familiar are you with the specific features & gameplay mechanics of Elyx? I would definitely say so, I've been a part of Elyx for a long time now and got to know the game properly Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? You learn the importance of communicating well with your colleagues and being open, respectful. I think if a situation occurs where you don't know exactly what to do, it's always a smart idea to draft it with your fellow staff How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? I would say that i work very good and perfectly fine in such a environment. I'm used it because of my IRL job and past experiences What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? Being able to listen and do a unbiased decision is very important, and know when to do and not do actions How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? I would talk to them and try to know as much as possible, before I would message my fellow staff members who might know more about it, or be able to handle it depending on what it is How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game? I'd observe the chat/game for a little while to just see if it's specifically a rule break or just being obnoxious in general, though I would be quick with warning them and telling them to stop, if they would continue I would mute or jail them Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as a support role. How did you handle it? Well, there was one time where it was PvP related where a ragger would not stop attacking this one player, and there was nothing in the rules about not being able to rag someone. Usually in that case, it would go to a point where it's seen as harassment and it would be against the rules, but simply because ragging was allowed, the ragger was allowed to continue and the regular player ended up quitting. In a different scenario, I could just jail the ragger for a bit, and both would probably continue playing, but that was just how the rules were What training/resources would you require to be a successful server support? I think being in contact with the community and talking within the staff group will be all I need, I will be eager to ask questions as well about things that might occur Can you outline the contributions and efforts you've dedicated to Elyx thus far? I've helped many new people with getting new gear and their questions about the game, activated the well every now and then. As I've previously mentioned too, I haven't been too much active lately and haven't been able to contribute a lot unfortunately How would you balance your role as a server support with your personal life? I feel like I have a very good role where I could balance my life and being a SS very good. I'm always active on my phone, where I will be looking over discord frequently so I will be up-to-date all the time
  2. You're such a friendly and trustworthy person, i definitely want to see you as a server support. Hope you get it mayne
  3. In-Game Username: Impaired Discord ID: Fiseringen Time Played on Elyx: 21d 5h Contributions and Experience: I am most likely not on the top regarding contributing events and giveaways, however i have definitely been taking initiative to make especially raids more active, and helping people along the way with gear, or anything really. Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: I've been playing this server for a good while now, and i've realised that nothing has captivated my interest as much as this server before. I think there's such a good variation between the content that you really just wanna continue playing and playing. The community is so valid and great to talk to aswell, definitely makes it more fun. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Definitely been into the random trivia's and some pvm events, i think it is a very good thing for the community and it's really refreshing sometimes. The "random events" makes the game more interactive and better. What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? I've always been the person that wanna help as much as i can, and as i dedicate alot of time into the server, i felt that applying for the contribution rank was a great idea. Hosting events and getting more into the community is just what i want. Community Interaction: I've been very involved with the people, always go on call together and just play the game. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? Always there for any question anyone might have, experienced alot within the game so i can help with alot. Also engage alot with the streamers and do content with them. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: There's a few things that comes to mind that i know probably needs an update with the gameplay, as for the community i can imagine something like hosting a very simple type of pk event, that wouldn't require any skill. How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I will take more initiative and continue with being including, with different type of events. I want everyone to be able to attend the events and be a part of the community. Vision for Elyx: Honestly it's in such a great shape, i think we just need to advertise it among our friends to make it seen and get it more populated. Any additional information you would like to share with us? I think i've explained it pretty alright, there's obviously some things that i haven't listed as it would just get too much. Thank you for reading, i love elyx!!
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