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About hamtothebone

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  1. you are unable to make jewelry with moulds " even with cut gems/gold bars/moulds/ in invo" also cannot make gold rings necklaces extc.
  2. When crafting you cannot make xerican robes with the fabric u recieve from lizardman shamans.
  3. hamtothebone


    While fletching u can attach feathers and create runite or dragon bolts. you can attach dragonstone,ruby,onyx, extc. onto dragon bolts, but if you try to create runite bolts as ironman or to train fletching, you cannot attach any gems to runite bolts, with or without feathers in the bolts.
  4. There is not a npc that drops the sheild left half for the other half of the shield right half, so u cannot make the dragon sq shield, i have 18 dsq shield right half's.
  5. Revenant Ether has no use beside selling in trade post, also amethyst u can only sell to general store, also u cant sell noted items to general store. u cannot ablaze noted items, mole skins have no use of my knowledge/ mimics cannot be used/ also glitch in looting bag while in wildy if ur bag fills up, if u have a stackable item you CANNOT store any more of that item in the looting bag once it is full regardless of how many stackable items u have in bag. more coming. LOVE THIS GAME cannot wait for it to be fully ready.
  6. hamtothebone


    While trading in the prestige shop you can sell any item to the prestige shop for alot of prestige points. when u click value of item to be sold it tells u a wild number, after selling u donot recieve anything, and ur items are gone.
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