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  1. In-Game Username: Catherby Discord ID: worging Time Played on Elyx: 26D playtime. Contributions and Experience: So, as far as contribution, i love making guides for elyx and making content for this rsps too. I am also one of the bad-ass grinders that loves bringing challenges for other people and do small events for giveaways. I would love to suggest my friends and family to play Elyx, and always had been doing that. I have been helping new people which is everyone's job to do so as being an actively good community. I had to take break due to some career issues, but, here i am back with you guys! As far as experience with Elyx, it's such a good rsps with friendly community and active updates of seasons and bosses which generates us with passion in mind of gaming towards this rsps. This rsps has given me not only friends, but a good brothers community. Taking break from Elyx feels like you're doing breaking from Osrs, and you'd always come back. I have been contributing in finding small bugs as well, and been forcing to fix them as well. I am a game designer as well, and i would love to make further decisions in making this rsps a better experience for everyone else and make it better rsps for others! Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: My experience with Elyx rsps is great. I have found an active community and brothers in this rsps. To describe my experience, i have always been encouraged by players towards my personal rebuilding goals and for grinding best in slot gears. Elyx keeps bringing us new updates and as a new rsps, i expect this rsps to grow better than it's competitors. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Yes, i have been doing hide and seeks and some gambling events as well. I have also helped out people in giving away free stuff, which is just for the starters. Rest i would look forward in making more interesting events and hosting unique content for my videos as well, and look forward to make further videos for this rsps. What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? To this extent, every guy in this rsps dreams for being a known personality in the rsps. Like for me, i guess people know i have lots of kill count in several bosses and when i stick to one boss, they know i'd be raping it. So, just like that, people expect to be a well-known personality in the game, just like other gamers who are known to them. Community Interaction: Well, i am a nice person to everyone, and i would never be a double sided guy to anyone. I respect everyone just the way they do. There is something what people say 'Treat people with kindness to beat their rudeness' so i follow that. For me, i would love to show every new player around, and the community if i figure new things out, or help them the best i can. It's all to support the server, not just for myself. Whatever i expect to do, it would be for the community and rsps. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? Well, everyone in the rsps is like a brother to me. That's how i engage with them. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or gameplay: Well, i expect the gameplay to have HD graphics option. I would expect more grinding methods for PVM'ers and since this rsps has nothing for PK'ers we can add some valuable achievements to enhance pking options. We can also add Elite slayer in this rsps, that would require 99 slayer level to start and would have it's own levels. I can further explain these suggestions i'm making when i'll be asked for them. How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? What i can do for growing this community is posting on different forums of rsps-list sites where i can try to encourage people towards this rsps. I would keep making videos for this rsps to bring in new content and goals for the PVM'ers to see this rsps as the best grinding rsps they'll ever see. Vision for Elyx: I have been playing many rsps, and i have seen people ending up with updates and just leaving it once it grows. I expect from Rahman and Risker to grow this rsps the best they can. They're professionals, and take things professionally, and the vision of elyx in my eyes is strong. If we keep adding new various grinds for our players and community, trust me there is no stopping to this rsps just like OSRS. We would intend to grow and keep on growing! Any additional information you would like to share with us? I think that's all! I wish other applicants the best of luck as well, since everyone of us deserves the best! Even if i don't get chosen, there might be something that they might seem to be unfit for me and i would love to hear that so i can further fix that or take that into notes for future perspectives. Thank you and keep growing!
  2. Yes brother! I'd love to make more guides and help this server! Thank you for the appreciation!
  3. Contents Introducing the Woodcutting Skill Basic Information Hatchets How to obtain, with other little information included Trees Type of trees, level requirements, experience rates Tree Locations Locations of where to train Woodcutting Woodcutting Mastery After achieving level 99 Experience Table Introducing the Woodcutting Skill Woodcutting is one of the five resource gathering skills. Training Woodcutting involves chopping down sundry types of vegetation, mostly sundry trees. In doing so, you will receive a component of the vegetation (in most cases), which can customarily be utilized in some other adeptness or activity. - Woodcutting is subsidiary for training other skills, such as Fletching, Firemaking, and Construction. It is also useful for incipiently joined players to make money early in the game. - Trees are found everywhere throughout Elyx. They can be tracked down to localized "Woodcutting Spots" where they cluster in astronomically immense numbers. Each log is unique to its corresponding tree, so if you optate to woodcut a certain log then you will have to find its corresponding tree. Note that, depending on what kind of tree you are chopping, it will vanish after you receive an arbitrary amount of logs from it. - In order to woodcut, you will require any type of hatchet. Simply left-click on a tree and if you have the required level to chop that tree then just sit back and optically canvass the logs accumulate in your inventory! Hatchets As you cannot cut down entire trees with your bare hands, hatchets are required. In order to chop a tree, you must either be wielding a hatchet, or have one in your inventory. Hatchets can be bought from shops by ::shops at home! Iron Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 1 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 1 - Steel Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 6 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 5 - Mithril Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 21 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 20 - Adamant Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 31 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 30 - Rune Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 41 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 40 - Dragon Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 61 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 60 - Infernal Hatchet Woodcutting Level Required: 61 Wielding Level Required (Attack): 60 Additional Information: The infernal hatchet is created by using a smouldering stone on a dragon hatchet. Chopping trees with the infernal hatchet will grant a 1/3 chance the logs will be burnt as they are chopped This will give 50% of the Firemaking experience that would usually be gained by using a tinderbox to burn the logs. Redwood logs can be burnt this way even without having the required Firemaking level to light them. * Need level 61 in Woodcutting and level 85 in Firemaking to create. Trees This is the map you will find on globe right next to minimap or ctrl + t for teleports. Select Skilling, and scroll down to see the Camelot Trees + Woodcutting Guild. For 1 - 60 Levels you would stay in Camelot Trees Area, from 60 - 99 you will be at Woodcutting Guild. 1 - 15 Simple Trees 15 - 30 Oak Trees 30 - 45 Willow Trees 45 - 60 Maple Trees 60 - 75 Yew Trees 75 - 99 Magic Trees Types of Trees - Xp Rates - Logs Required for Levels. Woodcutting Mastery When you have reached level 99 in the Woodcutting skill, you can purchase the Woodcutting skill cape and hood for 100,000 blood money. Experience Table
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