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  1. In-game username: Syan Age: 25 Time zone: UTC +2 CEST Discord username: Syan#0766 Time played in-game: 32D 3H 35M Previous staff/moderation experience: i've gained a bit of experience as a staff member on Elyx! Been part of the staff team for about 3-4 months. (Or longer i kinda forgot) Specify your current availability in terms of time slots or hours per week/day: I will be available 3-6 Hours a day. Why do you want to be a part of the Elyx staff team? Why i want to be part of this elyx staff team is, i think i have a good knowledge of the game. And i've been around for a while so i think i can help the players + the team on growning for the best of Elyx! What skills/qualities would you bring to the team? There are a few things about me that makes me unique. I'm changed and dedicated to help players and put up many idea's. most importantly, I have the drive to get things done! I'm very understanding of what is wrong and right (how ever my past hasnt did good to me but I am confident enough to say i'm fine and positive for the future!) My mind is set on making Elyx the BEST server and trying to make it great! Aswell Having that mindset as the experience I've got will do a great service for the server. What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I played OSRS like when i was 13 years old. I have a good amount of knowledge of the game. Unfortunately osrs was getting bored so i started to getting play RSPS i played a few in 7 years time. When i was 17 i tried RSPS, and i think i have a knowledge of that aswell. My previous application i've putted this in aswell it hasnt changed from a year ago. How familiar are you with the specific features & gameplay mechanics of Elyx? I've been here for awhile and i have enough experience with this source. I still have some ideas to share with the owners/developers to have impact on the game. Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? Yes, i've been a serversupporter on Elyx before. I've learned a few things to be a role person in the game. However i still have to learn alot of things and i call it a challenge. How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? Beleive it or not, I'm actually a very naturally comfortable person when there's pressure involved. With past jobs that i've had, i dealt with this type of environment fairly regularly. I will say that I typically do come off as someone who is active. I can deal with alot of high-pressure becauss i've learned it in real live of my new job. I'm a fast learner aswell. What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? The most important and essential quality for anyone in that position would be someone with Integrity for one, respect for everyone and be able to stay calm and be a role model anyone who they might be confronting (for a rule they may have broken for example). This individual must be able to deliver a message and be very clear about what they're needing to say, whilst being as well mannered as possible. They must also be able to connect with people or players in the community. they should also always be self aware and know they they too, are human and show compassion when needed as well as make it very aware that Elyx is not a joke, and we take things very serious when it comes to our position here. (I've copied this of my previous application because this i still 100% agree on this) How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? Bassicly, you can always ask the player to explain what happend and how it can happen. and besides that you can always ask some one who is higher then you to assist you so moderator or higher. How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game?First I wouldve asked to stop to be harassing people, after I told that I'll give Warning if he still isnt stopping i can bring a mod/owner to talk with, for a decision to what punishment he will get. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as a support role. How did you handle it? I've been in a flameing situation and i waited a bit. After it did go to far i've warnend the both guys after it didnt work i asked a staff member above and he handled it out. What training/resources would you require to be a successful server support? I think we should have daily reports, weekly updates from the staff above and keep the events up in the staff team. Can you outline the contributions and efforts you've dedicated to Elyx thus far? I've had my inputs with the Top-G sections in the past. However is still have some ideas to grow even further with any kind of playstiles. My main goal is now to play alot and search for things to change or to be better. How would you balance your role as a server support with your personal life? I think it will fit. Last year i've been going true so many things that put me in a black hole. However i think i've managed it to accept those things what happend and fully focus on my life whats importnant. Elyx hase always be importnant for me the day that i joined I loved here ans tried my best. However I think ive showed that Elyx fits in my life as long as I play. The oppertunity i hopefully get will be showing how much i love this game! And i will keep on going as long as it can gets. "So sorry if anything isnt right spelled but i've tried my best!" Kind Regards, Syan
  2. Hello Elyx Community, This is the Top-G guide price newest update. Any feedback please post down below in the comments/reply. We will do our best to keep this up to date. Barrows Sets : Dharok = 4M Torag = 4M Guthan = 4M Karil = 4M Ahrim = 4M Pvp Armours : Morrigan's Set = 15M Statius Set = 15M Vesta's Set = 15M Zuriel's Set = 15M (Ancient Armour Variants X5 Normal price) Rev Weapons : Craw's Bow = 40m - 55m Craw's Bow (c) = 120m - 165m Viggora's Chainmace = 40m - 55m Viggora's Chainmace (c) = 120m - 165m Tham Sceptre = 10m - 15m Tham Sceptre (c) = 30m - 45m Statius Warhammer = 10m - 12m Vesta's Longsword = 4m - 6m Vesta's Spear = 4m - 6m Zuriel's Staff = 4m - 6m Morrigan's Javelin = 1,400 each ☆sell to general store for fast cash☆ Morrigan's Throwing Axe = 1,400 each ☆sell to general store for fast cash☆ Weapons : Melee Weapons Armadyl Godsword = 10M - 20M Armadyl Godsword (or) = 25M - 50M Bandos Godsword = 10M - 20M Bandos Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Saradomin Godsword = 10M - 20M Saradomin Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Zamorak Godsword = 10M - 20M Zamorak Godsword (or) = 20M - 40M Dragon Claws = 15M - 20M Dragon Claws (or) = 30M - 40M Dragon Hunter Lance = 15M - 25M Dragon Warhammer = 5M - 10M Elder Maul = 40M - 45M Elder Ice Maul = 115m - 125m (HW) Elder Maul = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-Mas) Elder Maul = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Ghrazi Rapier = 175M - 225M Holy Ghrazi Rapier = 350M - 450M (HW) Ghrazi Rapier = 1500M - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-Mas) Ghrazi Rapier = 1B - 2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Scythe Of Vitur = 2B - 4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Holy Scythe Of Vitur = 4B - 5B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Sanguinesti Scythe Of Vitur = 8B - 10B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (HW) Scythe Of Vitur = 15B - 20B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-mas) Scythe Of Vitur = 10B - 12B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Range Weapons Armadyl Crossbow = 20M - 25M Zaryte Crossbow = 45M - 65M Toxic Blowpipe = 125M - 160M Magma Blowpipe = 300M - 400M (X-mas) Magma Blowpipe = 550M - 850M Dragon Hunter Crossbow = 40M - 60M Dragon Hunter Crossbow (t) = 110M - 135M Twisted Bow = 3B - 4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Twisted Bow (L) = 5B - 6B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Twisted Bow (i) = 6B - 7B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (HW) Twisted Bow (i) = 8B - 10B | DEPENDS ON SELLER (X-mas) Twisted Bow (i) = 10B - 15B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Mage Weapons Trident Of The Seas = 5M - 10M Trident Of The Swamp = 75M - 125M Toxic Staff Of The Dead = 35M - 45M Toxic Staff Of The Dead (i) = 140M - 180M Sanguinesti Staff = 1.5B -2B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Holy Sanguinesti Staff = 3B -4B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Helmets : Magma Helm = 10M - 15M Serpentine Helm = 10M - 15M Tanzanite Helm = 10M - 15M Goldentine Helmet = 30M - 45M Neitznot Faceguard = 30M - 45M Enchanted Faceguard = 85M - 130M Slayer Helmet = 15M - 20M Slayer Helmet (i) = 40M - 60M Red Slayer Helmet = 40M - 60M Red Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Green Slayer Helmet = 40m - 60M Green Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Turquoise Slayer Helmet = 40M - 60M Turquoise Slayer Helmet (i) = 100M - 150M Black Slayer Helmet = 60M - 75M Black Slayer Helmet (i) = 150M - 185M Twisted Slayer Helmet (i) = 750M - 1B | DEPENDS ON SELLER Infernal Twisted Slayer Helmet (i) = 1B - 1300M | DEPENDS ON SELLER Inquisitor's = (if there are any of these items i'll update price) Serenic = (if there are any of these items i'll update price) Armour : Melee Armour Bandos Set = 80M Torva Set (Damaged) = 100M - 200M Torva Set (Fixed) = 325M - 375M Totemic Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Range Armour Armadyl Set = 60M Sarkis Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Magic Armour Ancestral Hat = 65M - 75M Ancestral Hat (i) = 125M - 140M Ancestral Robe Top = 65M - 75M Ancestral Robe Top (i) = 145M - 165M Ancestral Robe Legs = 65M - 75M Ancestral Robe Legs (i) = 145M - 165M Sage Set = 3B - 5B (Best In Slot) Shield's : Avernic Defender = 100M - 150M Dragonfire Shield = 5M - 10M Dragonfire Ward = 15M - 20M Ancient Wyvern Shield = 15M - 20M Dinh's Bulwark = 40M - 50M Twisted Buckler = 50M - 75M Spirit Shield = 500K - 1M Blessed Spirit Shield = 1M - 3M Spectral Spirit Shield = 30M - 50M Arcane Spirit Shield = 200M - 300M Elysian Spirit Shield = 350M - 400M Boots : Melee Boots Dragon Boots = 500K - 1M Primodial Boots = 65M - 75M Primodial Boots (or) = 185M - 215M Range Boots Ranger Boots = 250K - 500K Pegasian Boots = 65M - 75M Pegasian Boots (or) = 185M - 215M Mage Boots Infinity Boots = 250K - 500K Eternal Boots = 65M - 75M Eternal Boots (or) = 185M - 215M (All in one/(or) boots) Mythical Boots = 550M - 650M (Best In Slot) (X-mas) Mythical Boots = 750M - 1B (Best In Slot) Jewellery/Gloves : Berserker Ring = 1M - 3M Berserker Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Ring Of Confliction = 150M - 175M Archers Ring = 1M - 3M Archers Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Deadeyes Ring = 150M - 175M Seers Ring = 1M - 3M Seers Ring (i) = 8M - 12M Alchemist's Ring = 150M - 175M Ring Of Suffering = 20M - 30M Ring Of Suffering (I) = 30M - 40M Ring Of Perfection = 1B - 1200M (Best In Slot) Ring Of Wealth = 15M - 20M Ring Of Wealth (I) = 40M - 50M Amulet Of Blood Fury = 125M - 150M Amulet Of Fury = 500k - 1M Amulet Of Fury (or) = 2M - 4M Amulet Of Torture = 30M - 40M Amulet Of Torture (or) = 80M - 120M Necklace Of Anguish = 30M - 40M Necklace Of Anguish (or) = 80M - 120M Occult Necklace = 30M - 40M Occult Necklace (or) = 80M - 120M Necklace Of Avarice = 5M - 10M Ferocious Gloves = 50M - 75M Zaryte Vambraces = 40M - 60M Tormented Bracelot = 30M - 40M Tormented Bracelot (or) = 80M - 120M Rare Cosmetics : White Partyhat = 35M - 50M Red Partyhat = 35M - 50M Green Partyhat = 35M - 50M Yellow Partyhat = 35M - 50M Purple Partyhat = 35M - 50M Blue Partyhat = 35M - 50M Black Partyhat = DEPENDS ON SELLER Blue H'Ween Mask = 50M -80M Red H'Ween Mask = 40M - 80M Green H'Ween Mask = 40M - 80M Sled = 100M - 150M Miscellaneous : Arcane Prayer Scroll (Augury) = 60M - 80M Dexterous Prayer Scroll (Rigour) = 60M - 80M Primordial Crystal = 65M - 75M Pegasian Crystal = 65M - 75M Eternal Crystal = 65M - 75M Elyx Coins = 10K Per Coin Mystery Box = 30M - 40M Creator Box = 30M - 40M Donator Mystery Box = 80M - 100M (Event) Mystery Box = 80M - 100M Pet Mystery Box = 20M - 30M Epic Pet Mystery Box = 150M - 200M Mystery Chest = DEPENDS ON SELLER Imbuement Scrolls = 15M - 20M Larren's Keys = 100K - 250K Key Of Boxes = 50M - 80M Donator Tickets = 40K - 60K Vote Tickets = 400K - 500K Double Drop Lamps = 1M - 4M Cannon Set = 185M - 225M Bonds (per $1) = 5M - 7M (Prices may vary depending on supply an demand) I hope this will work out for everyone of the Top-G account. Credits : Syan & Luu & Gytis Topg
  3. +1 from me aswell, great guy helping alot and its active whenever he can!
  4. In-game username: Top G Syan Age: 24 Time zone: UTC +2 CEST Discord username: Syan#0766 Time played in-game: 26D 7H 15M Previous staff/moderation experience: None, but i am a fast learner, and i will be dedicated to contribute to the staff team! and have a positife inpact in this role. Specify your current availability in terms of time slots or hours per week/day: I will be available 2-6 Hours a day. Why do you want to be a part of the Elyx staff team? Why i want to be part of this elyx staff team is, i think i have a good knowledge of the game. And i think i could possibly help the server grow in a different way. I will be useing my knowledge of the game to help other players and i will be honourd to be in such an exceptional team. What skills/qualities would you bring to the team? There are a few things about me that makes me unique and apart from many others. I have a great eye for anything out of the ordinary, I can piece together a puzzling bug we might come across quicker than most. This will help in many aspects, most importantly, I have the drive to get things done, I'm very understanding of what is wrong and right. I am confident enough to say that I would make a perfect fit this position, not only an i unique, but I there are so many things about me that would make me a great asset. My mind is set on making Elyx the BEST server out there. and it's really just a matter of time before we turn Elyx into a name that everyone will know of. I am also very good at pointing out a bugs or anything for that matter that isn't supposed to be there. Having that mindset as well as the experience I've got will do a great service for the server and honestly, you'd have to bring me onto the team and let me show you what i have to offer that is so special. What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I played OSRS like when i was 13 years old. I have a good amount of knowledge of the game. Unfortunately osrs was getting bored so i started to getting play RSPS i played a few in 7 years time. When i was 17 i tried RSPS, and i think i have a knowledge of that aswell. How familiar are you with the specific features & gameplay mechanics of Elyx? I've actually thought about this a great deal. basically my thought wen't a bit like this. ;;So i've already made up some "blueprints" in my head about what mechanics could be better, added, or even completely removed to balance certain things out so that we could maybe help push the attention of anyone looking at us, towards what really is the main selling point of Elyx. Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? None I've never been a Serversupporter. ore anything above that. How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? Beleive it or not, I'm actually a very naturally comfortable person when there's pressure involved. With past jobs that i've had, i dealt with this type of environment fairly regularly. I will say that I typically do come off as someone who is shy in those moments because I'm not saying much, I'm not actually shy but I'm actually brainstorming ideas on what could be done to help calm down the situations I'm in at that moment. Once I've came to a solution in my head, I'd then share my thoughts and deliver them in a way where it's not confusing and overall helps everyone understand what could be done to turn that fast paced invironment into an organized, productive atmosphere. What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? The most important and essential quality for anyone in that position would be someone with Integrity for one, respect for everyone and be able to stay calm and be a role model anyone who they might be confronting (for a rule they may have broken for example). This individual must be able to deliver a message and be very clear about what they're needing to say, whilst being as well mannered as possible. They must also be able to connect with people or players in the community. they should also always be self aware and know they they too, are human and show compassion when needed as well as make it very aware that Elyx is not a joke, and we take things very serious when it comes to our position here. How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? Bassicly, you can always ask the player to explain what happend and how it can happen. and besides that you can always ask some one who is higher then you to assist you so moderator or higher. How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game?First I wouldve asked to stop to be harassing people, after I told that I'll give Warning if he still isnt stopping i can bring a mod/owner to talk with, for a decision to what punishment he will get. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as a support role. How did you handle it? I've never been a Server supporter or higher What training/resources would you require to be a successful server support? I think we should have weekly reports for when theres a new update, ore new commands and how they work etc. And maybe updates wich user is banned, or warned like that i think if you get those as a new server supporter then i think you can be succesful. Can you outline the contributions and efforts you've dedicated to Elyx thus far? beleive I've found a few game changing bugs, I had PM'd the owner/developer on that project, after doing so, it ended up helping the community of top G's with improvements with best in slot weapons, Overall I truly beleive I've given a respected amount of input into the community. I've also put quite some time into thinnking of ideas that may improve the server in the long run. (There is no idea that is ever a bad idea in my mind) How would you balance your role as a server support with your personal life? I think this will be something new for me a new challange and i think its something good for me. And i am really looking forward to accept the new challenge. "So sorry if anything is typed out wrong, i spent hours and hours making sure it looks professional" Kind Regards, Syan
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