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SwedishPrxck last won the day on February 3 2024

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  1. In-game username: SwedishPrxck Age: 27 Time zone: EST Discord username: SwedishPrxck Time played in-game: 79d 23hr Previous staff/moderation experience: N/a Specify your current availability in terms of time slots or hours per week/day: Basically any. I'm on most all the time. Why do you want to be a part of the Elyx staff team? I would love to see the server continue to grow and be able to help out players who need it. With the recent mention of "lack of staff" online, I would love to help solve that problem. What skills/qualities would you bring to the team? Think that is fairly self explanatory if you know me. I would love to see the server continue to grow. I've helped Risker quite often in terms of reporting bugs among other things. What experience do you have with OSRS or RSPS? I use to play OSRS growing up and stopped when all of my friends from middle/highschool did. I have been playing a wide variety of RSPS's ever since, this one being the one that has kept me around the longest. How familiar are you with the specific features & gameplay mechanics of Elyx? Very. I am good at breaking things as well to help ensure bug free gameplay for players. Have you ever been a part of an in-game support team before? If so, what did you learn from that experience? N/a How comfortable are you working in a fast-paced, sometimes high-pressure environment? I work for a marketing agency irl and same thing applies there so very comfortable What qualities do you think are essential for someone working in a support role for an online gaming community? Friendly, helpful, non-toxic. Able to see the picture as a whole in a situation and act accordingly. How do you approach situations where you don't have all the information needed to solve a player's issue? If I am not able to get the needed information on my own, I would get the opinion of another SS or a higher up to make sure everything is sorted the way it should be. Would all depend on the current situation. How would you handle a situation where a player is being abusive or harassing others in the game? All depends on the severity of the situation I suppose. Jokingly "flaming" is one thing, but if it does not stop after they have been told to, potentially a mute. If it continues still, raise it to someone higher then I am and get their opinion on a more severe punishment if need be. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as a support role. How did you handle it? Have not really been in a support role before. What training/resources would you require to be a successful server support? N/a Can you outline the contributions and efforts you've dedicated to Elyx thus far? Again, feel like this is fairly self explanatory if you know me. I am always in game, helping people when I can. Have helped with bugs in the game in order to get them sorted out for a bug free experience for the players. How would you balance your role as a server support with your personal life? Would definitely be able to handle both. I work on a computer so I am almost always on and available. I know when to draw the lines with the game if I need to get work done irl.
  2. got my vote till this part right here... we get along wth
  3. In-Game Username: SwedishPrxck Discord ID: SwedishPrxck#8790 ( i think? Mine does not actually show me the numbers but i found that under server profile in discord) Time Played on Elyx: 40d 1h Contributions and Experience: Risker has come to me about certain PVP bugs at times, and I feel like I am a big part of the reason that Nightmare is where it is at today compared to where it was when I originally joined the server. Briefly describe your experience with Elyx: It's been a great server to play and especially start a pvm grind on. I have never been terribly big on pvming until i joined. Have you been involved in any community activities or events? If so, please elaborate: Try to participate in daily events when time allows for me. Alot of the time they are when I am in the office which limits my ability to be that interactive as alot of them are click intensive. What motivates you to apply for the Contributor Rank? Would love to see elyx grow and would love to help iron out any new content/existing content that ends up getting added to the game. Community Interaction: Try to help and answer anyones questions about the game in the help cc as often as I can and participate in community daily events when i am available for them. How do you currently assist or engage with fellow players in the community? I will be honest, I would love to contribute/help more with the technical side of the game/game play/new content bugs, but I help answer any questions that I can when someone asks in the help cc. I am also fluent in both spanish and english so if/when more spanish speakers start to play I would be able to assist them as well. Share your ideas for improving the Elyx community or game play: I would love to help get new content setup and make sure it is all polished and ready to go for the entire server to enjoy. While it's only been with nightmare as of now, I can test out any content and provide anything necessary for management to make the needed changes to fix the bug(s) that are occurring. Can also help come up with ideas for new content to add for both PVP and PVM How do you envision contributing to the growth and activity of the server? I would love to help test out any new content and help polish up existing content as needed so all players could enjoy it along with helping out any/all players that would join elyx as well. Vision for Elyx: to grow to be a very good server for both pvm content as well as pvp when the player base picks up Any additional information you would like to share with us? Anything else feel free to ask. I am on most days, whether i am in the office or actually playing so I am able to help players best I can when in office. When I am not in the office, I am actively playing and can help out wherever needed both with the players and content wise
  4. In Depth Zulrah Guide Content of this topic Introduction Item Slot - Best in slot and down Examples of setups Drop table Zulrah Rotations and Placement Introduction Item Slot - Best in slot and down Example Setups Drop table Zulrah Rotations and Placement And with all that being said, that should be your first Zulrah kill! Congratulations! If not, and RNG was not on your side, additional phases should be really easy to figure out. Just remember, range will hit the hardest so continue praying range! With a little RNG, you'll be geared out in no time thanks to the snake
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