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  1. *farming is a bit off. Growing times are not fixed. one day it took 11min to grow torstols today it takes 5min.
  2. *sometimes instead of logging out client laggs, DC-s account, reconnects and then can try log out again
  3. *farming is buggy. When smb farm runs same time your farming patches glich out. 1 person rakes his sht off and at the same time it rakes mine but i cant use compost or seed on it. so you have to relog every single time....
  4. *chinchompas doesn't do damage as they should. Should do multi damage but does only single.
  5. *rev cave shortcuts dont work when under attack. and when used not in combat they super slow
  6. *account stops running whenever gets dmg, click teleport pod(forexample running down wildy levels mass clicking pod to tele out) and its stops on spot, lesser demons and magix axes still give 15 slay points in wildy instead of 30, rev cave entry has as many questions as CV difficult to enter for pkers or pvmers
  7. *fix item prices ingame. Glory protects over craws bow? are you have to change numbers in notepad, how hard is that?
  8. *self made dragonstone DRAGON bolts ARE USELESS. cant wield em or use em or enchant em. Put them in ironman store if not able to make them work
  9. not a bug but... *can you add boss highscores maybe aswell? would be cool to see who has killed what boss the most.
  10. *gem mining for irons. otherwise pretty impossible to get gems in decent amount.
  11. *barrows sets from donator box is MAD. not even in log but still is a reward for 20$?
  12. *mimic caskets from hard clues dont work
  13. *cannot wear infernal harpoon or even use it...
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